At Home He's a Tourist

It was cold as I left for Bruar Falls Sunday night, but this is the Northeast in December, so why not? I got on the D train and was reading a copy of Art in America that Jon Glovin gave me. I love to read art magazines, between all the pictures and all the words I don't know the meaning of, they're really a quick read. At 14th Street I transferred to the L train, I had to stop reading Art in America because I didn't want to be ridiculed for reading Art in America instead of the art section of the Brooklyn Rail. I got off the train at Bedford but I had forgotten to get a hop-stop so I asked for directions. While I was getting directions I must have been blocking the sidewalk because someone shoved me out of the way. I made it over to Bruar Falls and it was cozy. I saw Toby end his set with a ballad. Preston showed a video he made for Toby. It is really a great video. An animated, personified, Hindenburg flies through all this great old footage of N.Y.C. Anyway, the video was fantastic and really enjoyable. Sam and Simon played next as The Wowz, it was understated and precise. I felt like i was listening to the third VU record. I listened to
from the train, it was cold, but I was warm inside happily humming Bubbles in the Bath
Sam James 13 States last week. It's an original take on some well known folk styles. I highly recommend it. Sam gave me a flyer for a Wowz show with the The Beets and Ching Chong Song. They also showed a fun video for the song Bubbles in the Bath. It's easy to see why The Wowz are so nice and such good company because you really see how much they enjoy playing and being together. It's really infectious. The entire club was smiling by the end of the video. I was getting tired and Suze was there. She lives uptown so we took the L to the 2. I walked home. A sunday in December turned into a Monday in December.
Bruar Falls
Art in America - Jon Glovin
4 - Toby Goodshank
The Wowz - Flyer
I was taking the A train to 14th Street to catch the L to Brooklyn to go to Bruar Falls to see Toby Goodshank, and The Wowz. Jon Glovin had given me a copy of Art in America and I was reading it. I read an article about a Duke Riley event staged in the reflecting pool next to the Queens Museum of Art. It was called Those About to Die Salute You. The event was a huge navel battle that took place in the pool. Warships were built ( one for each borough) and they had a mock battle. Fireworks went off, Canons shot confetti and produce, and hundreds of people dressed for battle took part in a massive navel battle. Wow!! I transferred to the L and got off at Bedford. I went to Bruar Falls to see Toby and the Wowz. It was a really mellow, candle light, hushed voices, and quiet sets.
- Prewar Yardsale's blog
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