At Home He's a Tourist

It was late, but it's never too late to rock and roll so I was going to a Huggabroomstik show at Goodbye Blue Monday. I left really late and I thought I would miss most of the show but the gigs were lasting till late so I thought I could make it in time to see Sam James and Purple Organ. So I'm listening to Desire on my COBY and I have to get the M at Broadway-Nassau. Broadway-Nassau is also Fulton. I have a friend who used to have one name, so everyone would call her by that name. Then she picked a new name and everyone would call her by that name. After awhile everyone started calling her both both names combined into one name. Like the Broadway-Nassau/Fulton stop. Desire is a great tape and I lose consciousness during Isis and Joey so I really concentrated on checking each station so I wouldn't miss my stop. Of course I was looking for Broadway/Nassau but on the Broadway/Nassau-Fulton stop only Fulton is written on the placards in the station. I missed the stop. I look at the map to see where the A goes and I see there is a connection at Broadway/Junction but that looked like a long trip and I was late already so I saw the A Utica stop lined up nicely with the M Koskiusko stop, so if I got out at Utica I could hoof it over to Goodbye Blue Monday in 20 minutes or so. I was in a good mood because I was sick of being on the train and Goodbye Blue Monday is in Bushwick, which is sketchy, so I was thinking Dive Bars, loosies, and 24 hour liquor stores for a twenty minute walk through Brooklyn with Desire on my COBY. It was late but it's never too late in a sketchy neighborhood. Much to my chagrin there was no sketchy neighborhood. Houses, apartments, cars, and only practical business's ( all closed). Desire sounded great and I didn't get lost so it was cool but I was disappointed the neighborhood was so nice, I keep thinking next block sketch, next block sketch, next block sketch, only to be disappointed time and time again. The sketchy party of Bushwick must be further north. I got to Goodbye Blue Monday late, too late for Sam James, too late for Purple Organ, but I was pleased not to be late for Huggabroomstik who were setting up onstage. I hung out with Diane at the bar which was cool because usually I only see her when she's working. I talked to Uchena, she told me The Fools were going on a New York State tour, playing shows all over New York State. I thought that was a great idea, there are so many towns/cities in New York State and what a great way to connect with people in our own state who love music. Huggabroomstik played and they were great. Huggabroomstik has had many different line-ups and different styles and they are always coming up with new sounds. This show was psych-drone. Neil and Dashan sang ( emphasis on sang), Neil played rhythm guitar through an array of effects. Johnny percolated on time and Brook strummed a ukelele. All of this really added up to a wall of drone. It sounded great. Preston played experimental psychedelic keyboard to add some contrast. It was a great, great set. When the set was over it was late, and I was going to go home with Dashan and his brother Awan because they live in Manhattan, so I had to wait, as it got later, for the band to breakdown and unwind. Finally we left, and it was so late we took a car service. Ivan in car 35 from Bushwick Car Service drove us back to Manhattan. He was listening to classic rock and when I asked him to turn it up he did. Ivan is a great driver and the ride was awesome. It's never too late for classic rock in a car service. It was late but it's never too late to rock n' roll.
- Prewar Yardsale's blog
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