Juice Box #2 / February 22, 2011 / Winter Antifolk Festival

The talent show starts at 7 pm. Come early to get a seat and enter one of the nights several raffles. Juice Box #2 will take place on February 22nd, 2011 as part of the "Winter Antifolk Festival" at Sidewalk Cafe (6th St. and Ave. A) All Ages/No Cover/Tip Jar/2 Beverage Minimum/Happy Hour All Night Long! All night long Raffles! Sam Lazzara (The Leader) will be performing a duet acting expert from the Henry Miller play "The Creation of the World and Other Unfinished Business" as part of the OJ mini talent show kick off. Major Matt will be reading an original poem and rumor has it that Nan Turner will be performing an improvised dance piece.
07:00 - OJ Mini Talent Show! Kickoff Event
07:40 - Leslie Graves
08:20 - Dan Fishback
09:00 - The Happy Rappies
09:40 - The Fools
10:20 - The Leader
11:00 - Schwervon!
Midnight-Chill Out Dance Party with DJ MMM
- MMM's blog
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