Major Matt asks Tod Carlstrom 5 questions (#24)

1. How did we originally meet?
I haven't a very good memory for specifics. Or dates, for that matter. I'm not even sure exactly how long I've known you. You're like this little brown spot on my arm. I don't quite know when you showed up but you're here (and you're non-cancerous). I've never been an active member of the antifolk scene but I showed up to a few open mics in the late '90's, and I guess I've played a few shows there; I imagine it was through Nan and the rest of the Sidewalk Cafe crew that we actually physically met.
2. 3 things that make you happy?
Cooking good food. Finishing a song. A day with my wife and daughter without any distractions.
3. 3 things that make you sad?
Squandered opportunities. Human brutality. Ignorance.
4. What is your favorite color?
Don't have one, find the whole notion foreign. However, if one were to look for a pattern in my wardrobe, it'd be plaids that involve brown.
5. 3 people who inspire you?
Black Francis. The sheer level of genius output over those Pixies albums. Robyn Hitchcock, because I've ripped off/repackaged so much of his guitar work. Shakespeare, because when no word would fit what he wanted to say, he'd just invent his own. That's balls.
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