At Home He's a Tourist

That's what makes homeowners the strongest and most powerful people in the country. Like the actual prison population who are also the strongest and most powerful people in the country. The future of the country will be home owners and the prison population united as the nations two states. So anyway Dina, Harmon, and I reused a couple of Duane Reade shopping bags by filling them with books, clothes, and toys. The next day Harmon and I were going to donate them to the Salvation Army. We donated clothes that don't fit us anymore, Harmon grows taller and bigger, and I just grow bigger. It reminds me of a joke I heard on the David Letterman show: What do you do when you get so big that your pants don't fit anymore? Get a bigger pair of pants of course. So we took the bus down to 96th Street to the Salvation Army. I was proud of Harmon because he really does care about other people and he was carrying one of the shopping bags. So we dropped off the bags and Harmon looked at books while I looked at CDs. Harmon bought a cool travel book that comes with pencils, markers, and all different kinds of games and activities, it's amazing they can fit it all into a book. I bought Bob Dylan's greatest hits 2 it's amazing that they could fit so many of Dylan's great songs onto a greatest hits CD and still there would be so many more for a Greatest hits 2. Greats Hits 2 is different than Greatest Hits Volume II. Greats Hits 2 only includes songs through Blonde on Blonde. The CD I have is from an Austrian release so maybe Greatest Hits 1 and 2 were only a European release. I saw an LP of Greatest Hits that was a Scandinavian release that had the same orange/red color scheme so maybe that's what it is. I didn't buy that LP because not only was it $35 but someone had written their name on the cover in marker and I don't know about you but I might pay $35 for an LP, but not for an LP that someone wrote their name on the cover. Although it was pretty funny when Chuck Eddy did the pictures for his book he photographed LPs in whatever shape they were in and
a lot of them had writing on the covers, so maybe that's why it was $35. I've never written my name on an LP although I've made a few into art projects, believe me if you ever want to devalue and ruin your LP collection start making them into artworks, I mean it's one thing to have an LP with someone's name on it but to have an LP with text about Duchamp and the readymade on it is a little overbearing. Although a good record is a good record whatever the state of the cover. Greatest Hits 2 has a track listing of: I Want You, One of Us Must Know, It Takes A lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train to Cry, Just Like a Tom's Thumb's Blues, Masters of War, Chimes of Freedom, Just Like a Woman, Obviously 5 Believers, Rainy Day Woman NR. 12 & 35, Gates of Eden, Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat, and Absolutely Sweet Mary. Awesome typos NR. Instead of # and y instead of ie. The US greatest hits could add only Blowin' in the Wind, Subterranean Homesick Blues, Like a Rolling Stone, Positively 4th Street, The Times They are A'Changing, It Ain't Me Babe, Mr. Tambourine Man, And Just Like A Woman. I have a CBS/Columbia cassette that also includes Love Minus Zero/No Limit, She Belongs To Me, an One of Us Must Know but omits Positively 4th Street, which is strange because I always thought that was one of the main selling points of the release. So Greatest Hits 2 is completely redundant for a completist but an interesting mix of some songs that are not as well known as the Greatest Hits hits. I'm really glad we were able to reuse the shopping bags, sometimes when your out and you have to stop and buy things you don't have a bag and you have to take a bag from the store. I always carry a tote bag in my bag though because every time you leave a store without using a new plastic bag that really helps the environment.
- Prewar Yardsale's blog
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