Rock 'n Rollers Don't Bathe

Front Projects/Side Projects
Tonight I'm practicing with Kansas State Flower for the first time in a long time for our Juice Box show. We only play about 1 show a year so it's kind of a special event. I think it will be a good break since I've been in super Schwervon! mode for the past 4 month. Nan and I completed the first round of rough mixes for the new Schwervon! album yesterday so we'll let those stew for a few days and see what happens. I always go back and forth between where to put my energy. Schwervon! used to be a side project that has turned into a main thing. Before that Major Matt was just something I did because I couldn't manage to put a band together. It's cool to keep a lot lines in the water to see what bites but occasionally you have to up the ante for some better bait and you may not be able to cover all your hooks. Sometimes, I feel like the world is moving way to fast for me.
Here's a picture of what 3 gigabytes looked like in 1996
At the age of 42 I think I've realized finally what I want to do with my life. Everything else just makes me frustrated or tired. It's been sort of a process of elimination. But I'm ready to put more eggs in at least one of the baskets. I kind of wish I had this feeling when I was 20. But then maybe I would hate my life now? Here's some studio pics of Nan from our recent Schwervon! recording session in Memphis.
No one likes to hear someone complain unless you can relate to the complaint or feel comfortable to laugh at the person complaining. I'm officially allowing everyone to laugh.
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