Major Matt asks Dave End 5 questions (#25)

1. How did we originally meet?
We originally met when I came down from the Hudson Valley to master my first album How to Hold Your Own Hand. I was 21, had just met Dan Fishback at a show I set up for Cheese on Bread and asked Dan over email where to master my album, and he was like, "why, with Major Matt Mason of COURSE!" The rest is herstory. I moved to New York a while after and started recording Fruits Commonly Mistaken for Vegetables, and working as the OJ Intern!
2. 3 things that make you happy?
1) People who make powerful art about their life experience,
2) hanging out in the woods/on the beach
3) bein' on tour with friends, performing, making costumes
3. 3 things that make you sad?
1) When the only reason a person can't do something is that they think they can't do it
2) When people who are hurting take it out on other people and
continue the cycle of hurt
3) when people are stuck in situations that hurt them and for whatever reason can't change them
4. What is your favorite color?
5. 3 people who inspire you?
Sorry I can't do it!!! I can't just list three! but here is a list of 10
performers in my life I think are THE MOST (in no particular order)!
Nomy Lamm, Mx Justin Vivian Bond, Kimya Dawson, Dan Fishback,
Jordan O Jordan, Major Matt Mason, Nan Turner, Sarah Mangle,
World Famous *BOB*, Glenn Marla, Taylor Mac!
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