At Home He's a Tourist


One of my record collecting goals is to get every volume of the SYR series. I could listen to this stuff for hours and this is a long song (I could imagine the White Columns audience, some entranced, some looking around like when is this going to end). I wish I could write about this kind of music but I don't even know where to start, well maybe,...Glass, Monte Young...and the guy who writes songs for guitar orchestras...Glenn Branca?...see what I mean. I was in Barnes and Noble in the 80's the other day and I was waiting in line at the register and an impulse buy book was a paperback guide to classical music. I seriously cannot listen to classical music, I totally don't get it, last time I was in a taxi I had to ask the driver to turn the classical music he was listening to off, it was driving me crazy. So I'm reading the classical music guide and it turns out classical music guides are just like rock record guides. They list and critique the recordings, the songwriters, the musicians, the production, and add some contextual stuff to tie it together. I should have bought that book because I should know about classical music, I mean even if it made a taxi ride more enjoyable/bearable (Not to mention not potentially bumming out cab drivers by making them turn off the music they ate listening to) it would be worth it. Speaking of classical music more baroque new wave lite, for new wave I really think less is more. Speaking of more The Crystal Stilts song Something More comes on, I had read their new record was a neo-rave bid, but this sounds more like a neo-Ramones modern rock bid. The next song has contrified modern rock verses and an awesome BJM style chorus. Widow Speak, Gun Shy, Captured Tracks. Speaking of the Crystal Stilts song Something More, next up is more new wave lite, see you can really learn a lot from the New Afternoon Show, new wave lite is the new salon style, so now I have to start listening to neo-new wave a lot more closely. Paisley Underground passive country, awesome, Marissa Nadler. I read an article in the Voice about her label woes. I should ask her to do a cdr for my new country music label Postparade. So far I've done cdrs with Morgan, Matt, Brief View, Churchill Downs (Me), and Kansas State Flower. It's a lot of work (Not really but for a lazy person like me g-mail, Facebook, P.O. Box, zine, recording, mastering, duping, and art/design/packaging is a lot of work) (I do get a lot of awesome help from Dina, Matt, Nick, and Jon so thanks to them) but it's really fun. Right now I'm only doing cdrs($). My goal is to emulate Justin and do 7 inches. Marissa Nadler is truly amazing. Great song, great singing, great musicians, totally great. Kemando is crazy! More neo-new wave, damn, I'm going to start paying more attention to this stuff, goodness, even a new wave lite country song, yikes. Next an awesome neo-new wave track from Friends. I love Friends. You can really tell they listen closely to new wave and stay really true to the beats, mixes, music , and lyrics and then present their ideas in a really compelling neo-new wave style. Santigold does that too, she's also great. It's really incredible the rest of the set is more new wave lite, or maybe post new wave like post rock; watered down, slowed down, softened, and dulled. Oh well, give the people what they want or give the people what they need, why not? Next set neo-garage, a Smile trip, and a neo-new wave/electro dance mix. Good set. I thought neo-garage was the new salon style, oh well, I was wrong. Wishful thinking, late for the trainspotter, that was yesterday!! Pastels close the show. A good afternoon indeed.