Rock 'n Rollers Don't Bathe

Schwervon! had an upstate gig last night in Cold Spring, NY. Cold Spring is a beautiful little NYC town about an hour outside of the city. The main street kind of felt like a movie set.
On the way there we ran into an R-1 train at the 2nd Ave. F stop. You can learn about it from the link but basically it's the first car ever built for the NYC Independent subway system. They're these really fun refurbished cars from the 1930's. I was kind of amazed at how similar they are to the ones we have today. The most distinctive difference, outside of the ads, were these huge (head chopping) ceiling fans throughout the cars. No AC back then. Summer must have been rough. The dark bolted metal exterior kind of reminded me of old WW2 ships or tanks. I managed to snap a couple of pics before we had to grab our much less charming uptown F train across the platform. The pic to the left a touristy shot I got of the Crysler building while walking over to catch Metro North at Grand Central.
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