Schwervon! releases 2nd new track for online streaming and 1 week free download.


American Idle is the second song to be released from Schwervon!'s Memphis sessions with Doug Easley (Pavement, Sonic Youth, Cat Power). The song was originally called American Idol. While in the studio, Easley half-jokingly suggested changing the spelling from "Idol" to "Idle" to avoid any future copyright infringements from the popular TV Show. Legal issues aside, Nan and Matt liked the alternate spelling better anyway.

You can check out American Idle as well as their previously released track (Truth Teller) at the Schwervon! website here:

Schwervon! are digitally streaming a new track every other Friday for the months of January, February and March of 2012. As if that wasn’t exciting enough, each new song will be offered as a free download for the first week of it’s release.