Yardsale - This Sat. and Sun. 8 am - 5 pm

The first sentence of the Yardsale blog. So first things first, follow this link to download the Major Matt e.p. Gooodbye Southern Death Swing, http://yardsalerecords.bandcamp.com/ .So really first things first Yardsale is Dina's and I new record label, I recorded the songs at a sidewalk Cafe show and in Matt's living room on a Radio Shack Cassette Recorder, Nick Nace helped me clean up a really lofi recording and make it digital and Dina put it up on Yardsale Bandcamp, here is the link again http://yardsalerecords.bandcamp.com/ . The recording sounds authentic, and the songs are great. Some of the songs are songs Matt wrote and recorded a long time ago which I captured at the Postparade ramble. Drink the Blood is really great, and I mean a really great new song by Matt. I hope this is the only recording of it, I recorded a bunch of other new songs by Matt including Dolly, I couldn't add them to the ep because I haven't figured out how to control the tape speed and treble during playback. It would be cool if I could put out a bunch of lofi Matt eps. I've got a Kansas State Flower rehearsal tape edited down from 3 hours of rehearsal tape to about 45 minutes. Kansas State Flower talk a lot during their rehearsals and they are really funny, part of me wants to throw up the whole rehearsal for fun, they are really entertaining. I made the tape all jams, songs, tuning,etc....all music sounds, it sounds amazing I am going to work with Nick to make the final edit, I edited it on a Sony Double cassette radio so it's pretty rough, that aside it sounds really really good, we will have that up on Yardsale soon. Tonight Dina and I are doing some Yardsale work, this blog should be up on Olive Juice, and the Morgan Heringer Living room recordings I made with the Radio Shack cassette tape recorder. Those were the first recordings I made. I saw Morgan at Webster Hall and I was really impressed so I asked if I could make some recordings. The performances are excellent and the songs are terrific. Matt helped me fix some of the songs, the tape was getting really warped and trebley, we couldn't even save the whole tape and we even had to cut one of the songs in the middle. I was worried that it would be disrespectful but as I listen to other lofi bootleg style records oftentimes songs get cut off in the middle so I planned it that way. I took this picture of a palm tree in Chrissy Field in San Francisco. I like the picture it came out good. It looks black and white but its actually a color photograph. I was doing a ridiculous literal color photography project called color photograph(
). In the ( ) would be words like television, chart, field,etc.... It was actually a good idea because Chrissy Field is one of the coolest places I've ever been. Till next time - Mike and Dina - Peace
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