Call This Number To Speak To The Populace Of New York

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Vincent Nifigance
Joined: 09/09/10 7:36AM

Listen out for me...

Beginning tomorrow, anyone who wants to communicate a message to the people of New York City may do so by calling 979-997-3041. His or her voice will be blared out of a loudspeaker in the middle of the East Village’s bustling Tompkins Square Park, for sixty seconds, at which point the call will be terminated.

The project is an art installation titled the Urban Speaker. (I’m predicting that majority of the calls will be either of a highly profane/sexual nature, or of the “9/11 was an inside job” variety.) Creator Carlos J. Gómez de Llarena explains:

The project explores the possibilities of urban media spaces created by the introduction of telecommunication and interactive technologies into our built environments. Temporary interventions such as this seek to re-imagine what our personal and social experience of public spaces can be in an age of ubiquitous nonstop communication.

Article from here: