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Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM

Bombardirovka by Crystal Allene Cook.

Love the creative commons copyright: Some rights reserved. Can be shared and modified, under certain conditions.

I love this idea, people sharing art and the creative rights to it, for creation's sake rather than profit's sake. I hope this is the future of all things, not just intellectual properties.

This work evoked a ton of emotion from me, and while I definitely enjoyed it, on an entertainment level, it isn't just brain candy. I'm always impressed when an author can inspire an emotional investment in fictional characters. Make them full and real in their flaws and virtues. Make them human. If you like that sort of thing, click on over, check it out.

Disclaimer: Yeah, I know the author. She used to play tuba with The World/Inferno Friendship Society. Needless to say, she's pretty rad.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.