Help Kids Learn Music!

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Joined: 08/26/10 4:33PM

As many of you know my son-in-law is a band teacher in the Hudson City Schools, a very, very poor school district. Anyway, please take a minute & read this post by my daughter & vote for his district so the kids there can learn music:

My amazing husband and his music department submitted a video for the Glee Give a Note contest which is giving grants to music programs across the country.

My husband teaches 4-6 grade band at a severely impoverished, underperforming, semi-urban school. He gets an annual budget of $50 a year. That is supposed to cover instrument repair, new instruments, supplies, etc. He has a waiting list of dozens of students who want to be in band but can't because their parents can't afford to rent them an instrument and he doesn't have one to give them. He fundraises a few times a year and we spend a *lot* out of pocket to give kids supplies.

It's been an uphill battle at this school to keep the band program intact. There are two teachers in the district who teach band - Scott and the JH/HS guy. Scott sent up over 100 kids to the junior high last year and the jh band director thought there was a mistake. Scott loves his band program more than me, I'm certain. :) This is his baby. He is truly amazing teacher - he turns NO student away, even if they have disabilities and serious behavior problems. Band has turned around a lot of kids in his school.

They could win $50k with the grant. That would be *amazing*. They have instruments they've been handing out since the 70s. Watch the video - that mashed up tuba is actually used by one of the students!.

So click here and please vote. If the link doesn't work, go to and search for "hudson".

Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.