Off to see the Wizard.

11 replies [Last post]
MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

Well, I guess Nan kind of already got a jump on letting the cat out of the bag on her blog but, yes, we're moving to Kansas City on April 1st (No it's not an April Fool's joke). This will be the future home base for OJ, Schwervon! and our solo musical projects. I'm sure "Goodbye NY" show announcements will be forthcoming. I'll also be discussing the future of OJ as soon as I figure out what I'm doing. I'm leaning towards shutting down the "Distro" part for a while as our plans for more touring with Schwervon! is going to make it really hard to maintain the store. I've always has always been open to suggestions so feel free to post them here if you have any thoughts or ideas about this. Thanks!

"Here to do great things."

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
NYC is gonna be a drag

NYC is gonna be a drag without you guys!!! Sounds like an exciting move, and it oughtta be good for Schwervon. But there's going to be so much suddenly missing from life for the rest of us!
I've got a lot more thoughts on this but can barely keep my eyes open... it's been a long day...

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM
OJ--My chosen place to record

OJ--My chosen place to record my solo stuff---no more soon.

Awesome Matt (and Nan).

We are friends no matter where you live.

Should be cool.

Jeannie's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 4:33PM
You Will Be Missed... BUT

We'll always have the OJ Board!
On to greater things!!!!!!!!!

Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.

Steve E.'s picture
Steve E.
Joined: 08/29/10 12:59PM

Oh my! Big change!

I'm writing this from a hotel room, and I wish I had more time right now to form my thoughts better, but....

What they all said.

You two bring such energy to the community, in so many ways. Your festivals and shows and distro and website bring and keep a bunch of super-creative people together, and keep these people engaged with each other in continually exciting ways. The studio has been a place where so much magic and excellence has emerged; I enjoyed finally getting to work with Matt there last year (on the Genies album), and he was patient, excellent and open-minded. You are community leaders around here. Rare, true chiefs.

Also, you are continually fun, smart, surprising, inspiring artists, singly and collectively. Who rock out. As far as you two collectively, it's _always_ inspiring to see two people who clearly get along so well, and have managed to live such synched up and harmonious lives, for so many years. (Since 1999!) And most importantly, you are people that I like a lot as people.

I'll be very sad to see you go, but I reckon the music scene in Kansas City will benefit greatly. And I'm sure we'll still see a lot of you around here.

Good luck in advance on your move, and here's to the next big adventure. And thank you, again, for all of your awesomeness.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Thanks for the nice comments.

Thanks for the nice and supportive comments. It's been really wonderfully having the time to get to know everyone and work with so many interesting people, each in it's own special way. I love so many things about NY but I'm looking forward to widening my perspective on the world a little more first hand. There's something strange in me that is kind of looking forward to coming back as just a visitor some day soon. I always feel like I discover something wonderful about NY that I didn't see before, when I leave it for a while. I also look forward to connecting more people through our music and the music on this site.

"Here to do great things."

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
More from Jeff

Weighing in again!
I feel like the scene is gonna miss you guys so much, it's hard to even imagine things going on without you! I suppose the scene/community has survived the end of Antimatters zine, the end of the Judge St house, the end of the AU Base zine, the end of Joie's open mic at the Raven, and even the end of Lach's tenure on the Antihoots... and other such changes... but to imagine the NYC community without Matt & Nan and OJ?? It'll sure be different. Matt & Nan (& Gummo) have put so much energy and creativity into so many aspects of the NYC music community, it's big shoes to fill.
Maybe the rest of us should follow them to Kansas and move in around there!

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Thanks Jeff. It's so nice to

Thanks Jeff. It's so nice to be appreciated. We'll scout it out and let you know. If I can say, without sounding too cynical, I feel like my connection to "The Scene" (whatever that is?) has been spreading out more and more around the globe and into the virtual world anyway for the past several years. If any of us are interested in becoming self sustaining artists we're probably going to have to be spending a lot of time on the road. I will continue to check in here as long as I can afford the hosting and IP address. And like you said, a healthy community is never about just one person or entity. There are probably 5 or 10 other ways we can connect with people through our various gadgets. I look forward to putting them all to the test.

Ending the distro is tough but I feel like that's almost just part of how the music industry is going these days. When I started the idea of having an OJ distro, believe it or not, there was no CD Baby or bandcamp, or facebook or even myspace. I felt like we were filling a gap between the music that we liked and the world. I think that gap has been pretty much filled, at least when it comes to the lines of distribution. There are so many opportunities for artists to get their stuff out there. It's an exciting time.

As long as there is the Sidewalk Cafe there will be some kind of NYC Antifolk Scene (a scene I didn't feel 100% welcome in on and off to be honest). And who knows even if the Sidewalk ended it could all just move to GBM or BTP or somewhere else...maybe we'll start something in Kansas? I think there are lots of scenes that can be part of the OJ community.

I feel my head spinning when I think about staying in New York and making a living at music. It's the kind of bittersweet feeling that comes from making decisions about really following your dreams I guess. I've never been big on regrets. This past year I just started to get the feeling that this city was getting a bit more in the way of my dreams than it was helping me make them come true. And I think Nan feels kind of the same way. I'm not saying this is how it should be for everyone. This happens to be our path for now. I'm sure we'll be back, at the very least, on a regular basis to play shows and visit. It makes me sad to think about missing all of our friends here. But just as we have with the friends that we've met all around the world, I'm sure we'll stay connected.

"Here to do great things."

rachel's picture
Joined: 08/27/10 12:16AM

i was hoping maayyyybe Brooklyn but NEVER imagined Kansas!
of course, i am super excited for you guys and know you will do great stuff wherever you hang your hats, but you will certainly be missed!
you guys have been such an inspiration to me...musically, community-wise, and also as a strong couple that makes music together (always willing to provide very handy advice about how in the world to tour together and stay in love)!
i really can't say enough how much i enjoy you both and i know I will see you often, either this side of the pond or the other ;-)
let me know if you need anything!
love, love, love

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
The feeling is totally mutual

The feeling is totally mutual Rachel on all levels. You and Dan are very inspiring to me.

"Here to do great things."

liv's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 12:57PM
holy crap

i heard a faint rumor of this but whoa. guess i'll finally get to see kansas!

dina's picture
Joined: 08/30/10 2:37PM
Yeah... Wow, I'm with Jeff,

Yeah... Wow, I'm with Jeff, but I also hear all you're saying and it makes a lot of sense... How OJ created a space for something that has changed over the years. I have a lot of feelings about this all, but this is about u guys... you guys have been so important for so many of us ( some of us longer than others).
Enough said from me, cause I could go on forever.... All I know is I'm gonna miss you guys a lot