>mancontrol< in Brooklyn: Sept. 19th

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Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

Hey NYC our friend Dave Shouse from the band The Grifters who guest vocalizes on the new Schwervon! album is playing a show in Brooklyn with his sound art project: >mancontrol<. It should be interesting. Tell 'em Nan and Matt sent you! http://www.facebook.com/events/229036290555589/

>mancontrol< http://www.facebook.com/mancontrol
Wednesday, September 19 285 Kent Ave Brooklyn
(from their press release)
Arbitrary factors come into play each time we perform in a different space. The amount of ambient light in the room, the chance that bodies in motion will interrupt a light shining on a loop pedal or the use of light sources like a swinging chandelier or LED hula hoop rarely produce the same results from show to show. And there is no stage at these shows. We prefer a setup that allows audiences the opportunity to affect our music. Our hope is to dissolve the traditional artist/audience barrier through a shared creative experience. Anyone attending a performance can become a factor in the evolution of each song.>mancontrol< make music in the moment; experimental, improvisational music built from the most primitive sounds: monophonic single waveforms. We employ two synthesizers, each dialed back to a single sine wave & a self-oscillating square wave generator set to pulse to the rhythm of a strobe light. We process these waveforms through feedback loop pedals equipped with light dependent resistors, allowing shadow & light to alter the audio characteristics of our music.

"Here to do great things."