Roger Manning (Shanachie 5718) - CD

Roger Manning is a living Antifolk legend. Since his first release on Greg Ginn's (Black Flag) SST Records in the late 80's Manning has been bridging the gap between Punk and Folk with his bass heavy confrontational rants about sex, politics, and environmentalism. (1997)

1. Grand Teton Blues 2. The Driving Blues 3. The Pearly Blues #6 4. Loisaida Covers Billy Syndrome 5. The Bohemia Blues 6. The East 5th St. Blues #5 7. The War Museum Blues 8. The Driving Blues #2 9. The Driving Blues #3 10. The Rearview Mirror Blues 11. The Pearly Blues #8 12. The Hitchhiker Blues #5 (Midnight Blues) 13 The Hitchhiker Blues #4 14 The Projection Blues 15. The Homer's Backyard 16. The los Blues #2 17. The Hitchhiker Blues #3