John Peel (30 August 1939 – 25 October 2004)

My first exposure to John Peel were those odd looking records, usually in the bargan bin, with all the writing on them, at my local independent record store back in a suburb of Kansas City, KS in the late 80's. They confused me as a kid and, to be honest, I typically steered clear of them. It wasn't until many years later that I understood the significance of these records and the man behind them. In all the interviews I've seen or read of John Peel he was a man that oozed genuineness. His love and respect for not just the music but the cultural importance of the music for my generation and beyond is unparalleled. And I'm a bit embarrassed to say, even years after his death, I'm still discovering the immense influence his work has had on me. Better late than never I guess.
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Peel Quotes
Peel on Big Black:
"Once a week I drive a nail through my foot to remind myself of the stupidity of not going to see them when I had the chance."
On the Dwarves:
"If hero worship were sex, they'd all be carrying my babies".
From when he was presenting Top of the Pops. After a video of the dismal Aretha Franklin/George Michael duet (I Knew You Were Waiting For Me), it cuts back to Peel who says something along the lines of:
"You know, Aretha Franklin can make any old rubbish sound good, and i think she just has."
Peel's compering debut on TOTP: "In case you're wondering who this funny old bloke is, I'm the one who comes on Radio 1 late at night and plays records made by sulky Belgian art students in basements dying of TB."
After a 1984 Cocteau Twins session which he played in full: "Missed me over the last quarter of an hour? Suppression of the ego; always a good thing in DJs, a pity there's not more of it about."
After playing The Beatles' 'new' single "Hello, Goodbye" in 1967:
"that's enough to make all the other groups go and live up the lesser tributaries of the amazon"