
Retroactive Trip to Russia Blog: Day 1 (Monday, June 20/21)


I met my sister at Kennedy airport. She was connecting there from Orlando. We had a sandwich at the airport. This was going to be the longest flight I'd ever been on. 10 hours. Luckily, we were in the front row of our section so we got lots of leg room. I was kind of bummed that they didn't have the individual movie players. I had to watch a very bad Adam Sandler movie and then an even worse one staring Vince Vaughn. When you think about everything involved in making a movie it must feel crummy to see them turn out so shitty. I guess the millions of dollars they make helps soften the blow. Read more »

Check out "It's Too Late" at Scapegrace this week (before ya know...)


Running all last week and Tues. through Friday this week at Scapegrace (home of the first Juice Box) is one of most unique live theatrical productions I've ever seen. "It's Too Late" is a multimedia site specific art installation dedicated to Jean Eustache's 1973 film "The Mother and the Whore." Designer/Director, Doris Mirescu, creates a unique live action/multimedia experience that blurs the lines between live theater, video, and real life. Throughout the entire play all the actors are radio miced and filmed by 2 cameras which are projected upon 3 large screens. The set, literally a Brooklyn store front, is a character in itself. When actors exit the main space they are followed by video cameras as they act out their scenes to the backdrop of the unsuspecting passing public. Other rooms of the building are used including the back yard, basement and toilet. Read more »

At home he's a Tourist


So I got to BTP early which is a mistake for me because I get incredibly stressed out on the day of the show. I forgot to bring CD's so some of our fans will be disappointed and we'll make less money, oh well. So i go to the roof to look at Manhattan for awhile and then I go downstairs. I put my guitar backstage and I wish there was more room back there and a television. Then I could sit there quietly and get less stressed out. So Matt comes and I borrow his tuner and tune my guitar. Dina shows up a little later. I had already gone over the set list with Matt so then we all went over it together. I think we were all nervous and I was stressed out. I hate before the gig but during and after is fun so I guess it's worth it, and i love to write songs so it only makes sense to perform them. So I was too stressed out to remember who opened the show because I was hanging out in the hallway with Ben and Jon. When we play a show I'm a really bad fan because I'm too stressed to enjoy myself but I feel like I'm a really good fan when I don't play so I don't really worry about it. So the first set ends and I go inside to check in with Dina and Matt. Read more »

Purple Organ: Amoebaweness - CDR back in stock!


We are delighted to have a few copies of this classic album back in stock on the OJ distro.
The Purple Organ is a one man band. Using all five of his extremities he produces a sound and a live show borne of the dark spaces between subway stations. (2004)

01. Fast Plant to Fish Brain
02. Oli Pope Lie
03. SMOT
04. Fuck
05. Girls With Too Much Yeast
06. Fly as We Fry
07. Squirts
08. secret Medley
09. Eglise Du Shite
10. It Wuz a Bug

At Home He's a Tourist


PDX Pop Now Festival Portland virtual staycation part two I got up early and had a light breakfast of coffee and Berlin. Boy Eats Drum Machine was first and were a great mash up of 80's new wave pop, great dance music, very contemporary. It made me nostalgic for 80's when Sire ruled the new wave airwaves and dance floors. Speaking of breakfast, Breakfast Mountain was up next ( I'm so witty I thought they should play the breakfast show). Moody, brooding, and atmospheric sweeping through the desolate spaces between Joy Division and Depeche Mode. It was really dramatic I kept waiting for vocals so I was on the edge of my seat with preconception and when it wasn't met it was cool. As a jaded music writer it's fun to not understand music past the first four bars. Nick Jaina played next, I was really interested in his set because he's part of the Tender Loving Empire Store and label. I passed the store on my way to Powell's and went in to find tons of art, t-shirts, CD's, records, etc, etc, etc. There was a lot of stuff in the store so it was somewhat disorienting so I decided on Friends and Friends of Friends Vol. 3 as an introduction to this awesome space and artists. Read more »

Major Matt asks Dan Fishback (Cheese On Bread, Old Hat) 5 questions (#21)


1. How did we originally meet?
I saw you at one of my first anti-hoots in Summer 2003, when I was 21. I think you played acoustic guitar and Nan drummed on the back of a wooden chair. I remember being like, "Wow, these are ADULTS, and they're hanging out at this awesome place with all these weird, awesome kids." I really looked up to you guys for that. Not just you and Nan, but also Mike and Dina from Prewar Yardsale, and Danny Kelly, and anyone who I perceived as significantly older than me. I feel like Cool Adulthood had never really occurred to me before, and it sort of changed my life. Now that I'm about to turn 30, and have been hanging out with 20-year-olds, I've been reflecting on what it means to suddenly be on the other side of that kind of relationship. (I don't remember the moment we actually met, probably because I must have been really nervous, and blocked it out.)

2. 3 things that make you happy? Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


Dufus - Eth
The quiet psych-folk intro of Silence is brought back to mournful folk-rock Smiths style lament. Brass punctuates signature stacatto Dufus rhythms and choral for the hopeful and stirring Feed the Baby. A psych-folk mood permeates the record in cuts dastard, gracious host, life is empty, and old friends, ripple and reflect an early 70's drop songwriter/vocalist/guitarist Seth Fargolzia pipes are in form form hitting falsetto highs and Calvin lows with ease. Impeccable bass, drums and acoustic guitar set the record on understated solid ground for perfectly suited wind instruments, electronic effects (guitars?), brass, and backing vocals to embellish. Dufus brings community together to fight the emptyness of fashion with an anti-fashion belief in life, love, and family.

Portland virtual vacation Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


So Dina and I were over at Matt's rehearsing for our upcoming show at BTP. We're putting in a lot of work and it's starting to sound pretty good. Matt and Dina are being stubborn about keeping our set set list. I think there are a few songs we should drop from the set because they're not very good but I guess it could be a good idea to keep them in the set because we practiced them and they sound pretty good? Matt is gong to start recording some of our songs at Emandee so at least I know which songs we are not going to record. I have to write some new songs, I have a good idea for a new batch of songs. I really wish we could warp up our M104 disc, it was so strange, I was asked to make a record and record a bunch of compilation tracks, so that was great because it seemed like people were really into Prewar and it woke me up from a writing slumber. I wrote a bunch of songs that are pretty good and got some good recordings of the songs. When we finished it was a coincidence with the economy crash, so I don't know if that was the reason or if everyone involved hated the recordings. Read more »

Major Matt asks A Brief View of the Hudson 5 questions (#20)


1. How did we (you) originally meet?
drama school. we were learning how to cause trouble in high society

2. 3 things that make you happy?
pizza, guitars, pizza. pizza, cameras, pizza. pizza, netflix, pizza. pizza, free pizza, pizza.

3. 3 things that make you sad?
office buildings, day jobs, broken strings. the way our backpacks smell when we are on tour. not being on tour. not being able to teleport to spain.

4. What is your favorite color?
green. no, our favorite color is gray. shut up. no, you shut up.

5. 3 people who inspire you?
Sarah, Jessica & Parker....oh. wait. thats the same person. damn!

At Home he's a Tourist


When Dina, Harmon, and I moved from Manhattan to Manhattan it was the hardest button to button. At first it was, anyway, as I carefully packed away all my 7 inches, but when we arrived it was no longer the hardest button to button, it was now the missing Hardest Button to Button. For our old place in Manhattan Dina and I had gotten a car crusher machine. We saw it on television in a Chuck Norris movie. It's a space saver. You put 50 or so cars into the crusher and the cars get crushed into the size of a microwave. In our last Manhattan apartment we had 3 large closets. So we had a small kitchen, a small bathroom, and good sized living room and bedroom. Small by manhattan standards but in some parts of the world considered a large city. So we had the car compacter and we lived there for 20 years or so, so every month or so, we would pile a bunch of our stuff into the compactor, crush it down and throw it into the closet. It was a real space saver that car crusher. However when we moved from Manhattan to Manhattan we had to take all the compacts out of the closet and figure out what they were and whether we should take the stuff with us or not. Read more »

Major Matt asks Susan Hwang (The Debutante Hour) 5 questions (#19)


1. How did we originally meet?
It's hard for me to pinpoint... I must have heard of you through Julie Lamendola and Dan Gower. And actually, Tom, who had already been looking at Olive Juice and buying things from you. I remember looking at Olive Juice for the first time and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. And then during the last OJ All Day at Cake Shop, Tom and I dived into that from a gig in Philly with Ching Chong Song and we got to see Johnny play with The Wowz. And I got to see UNDERTHRUST! Which blew me away. And then I think I introduced myself to you, and you were exactly the same as you always are... same friendliness, same deadpan, down-to-earth approachable-ness. But I don't think I got to know you really until we started working on OJ All Day together with Herb at The Lyceum. And now I have dreams where you're explaining life's secrets to me. Thank goodness somebody is. I'm glad it's you.

2. 3 things that make you happy?
Navel oranges
New songs
Not being hungover

3. 3 things that make you sad?
Wishing I was different.
Overcooking the steak. Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


There were two guys, I wasn't paying that close attention but they were doing songs in Spanish.

Billy Bragg - Talking with the Taxman about Poetry. The difficult third album. Like Lach's symbiotic 1980s twin in the U.K., Billy Bragg politicized like The Clash and Woody Guthrie, wailed about romance like Hank Wiliams, and rocked like The Clash, Woody Guthrie, and Hank Williams. On Talking with the Taxman, Bragg splits his time between being a helpless, albeit cynical, romantic, and a political firebrand. Johnny Marr and Kirsty McÇoll give Greetings to the New Brunette and the Warmest Room folk-rock style pop. A new development for Bragg. Despite his new found pleasantness Bragg gets political on Ideology, There is Power in a Union, and Help Save the Youth of America. Sometimes the sentiments seem overly didactic or empty sloganeering but when you think about how many musical artists never address things like this, you wonder why more don't, I mean people buy your records, and there's something awesome that Bragg, even if it is sometimes clumsy or heavy handed, remembers to remind the people they have rights as human beings and not to be afraid to demand and protect these rights. Read more »

Major Matt asks Chris Andersen 5 questions (#18)


1. How did we originally meet?
If I remember right, the first time we had met, Toby brought me over to your place to master our recordings for The Christian Pirate Puppets' first album; White, Man-Like Structure. I had seen Schwervon! play before, but I'm always pretty nervous about meeting people in performance contexts, so I didn't introduce myself or anything at before then, so I remember being pretty amped up to go to your place and meet you and all that. I also remember being impressed that we were just able to bring you a mini-disc that was pretty much just me and Toby goofing around and you were totally down to work on it like it was a real thing.

2. 3 things that make you happy? Read more »

East Village in NY Times...


I bumped into Helen Stratford on the street today and she told me that she and I and Babs had our photo in a NY Times article about the East Village a few months back and we'd never known it! It was a horrible article actually, in the Real Estate section, I feel sick that Babs and Helen and I were the visual for it.
Where do these people get their journalism degrees? This is some awful stuff.

Of "East Villagers" around Tompkins Square Park the article (by Jake Mooney) says:

"That group has included homeless people and drug users who took over large parts of the park in the late 1980s, more than once clashing with the police. But it also includes people like Ms. Kewalramani, a yoga teacher who paid $1.2 million for her 1,000-square-foot one-bedroom in Christodora House, a 16-story condominium at 143 Avenue B. Loyalists say one of the best things about the park and its environs is that they can comfortably accommodate such a broad spectrum of residents." Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


It was Saturday night and I had the place to myself, but event though I could have really slacked off I was being industrious. I was listening to V.U. and JMC to copy down some of the drum patterns they use. Dina's been asking me to write some drum patterns for her so she could change her drumming to be more on time. I keep telling her she should do it, but I guess she can't do it or she thinks I'll have fun doing it. It actually was fun. Bobby Gillespie and Mo Tucker are both really great drummers. And writing out their drum patterns is awesome. 4/4 and 8/8 with a lot of changes and combinations, very minimal but still very complex and the playing is really suited to the music. I went through 4 LPs and had a lot of great drum patterns. I was also getting a bit burnt out. JMC and VU are great bands, but their so rigorous listening to such challenging songs can really wear you out. Luckily for me Matt called me up to meet at a gallery on the lower east side for a concert with Phoebe, Julie, Julie and Dan playing. Matt had called me a few days ago but I spaced and never called him back. Read more »

Corpse on my hall


Did I tell you all about the rotting corpse on my hallway?
Awful story!
I'd been smelling this stench on my hall for about 3 weeks, even complained to maintenance over a week ago, half-jokingly saying that I even thought it might be someone who died, I got the semi-racist response "it's probably just a Chinese person cooking a cabbage, that always smells bad." Finally yesterday the old Ukranian lady who lives across the hall from me knocked on my door to ask me if I agreed with her that there was a terrible smell in the hall, she had complained to maintenance also and they blew her off as an annoying old lady. So she and I decided this had gone on long enough and went to the maintenance office together, and convinced them to come check out the smell - they came, belittling our concerns all the while, insisting that it was "not a rotting smell." One maintenance guy said he smelled nothing, and the other guy said there was definitely "a stench" but that it was "definitely from someone's dirty apartment." Read more »

Retro Active Schwervon!/B&S Tour Diary DAY 4


Retro Active Schwervon/B&S Tour Diary continues Day 4: 4/16/11 (Vienna, Austria)
We managed to score the Belle's day rooms again to crash in Munich. We had to hoof it to Vienna and when we got there we were confronted with this.
This venue was located in one of these four huge converted structures that at one time was used to hold gas. Hence the name of the area is called Gasometer.,_Vienna. It took us a little while just to find the front door of this place. But like the night before we somehow manage to arrive just in time for our sound check. Whew! This place was massive. I'm not sure if it was bigger than the venue in Milan but it felt huge.
P1010237 Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


After a long weekend of doing a whole lot of stuff or after a long weekend doing a whole lot of nothing Sunday night is a good time to relax with some herbal tea and make a connection with the collective unconscious of the planet. So I turn on the television. Sunday is a great t.v. night because the Adventures of Electra Elf is on. I love that show. Nick Zedd is the television part and art stars are the cast and crew. Nick Zedd is a great film-maker. I don't understand all his ideas but I know that's o.k. because he's so ahead of the curve. I remember seeing a bunch of his films from the 1990's and other film/video people didn't start using those ideas until the 2000's and they were people that were the curve, so it was kind of fun to see them standing in the dust with their new dust. I think Reverend Jen and Zedd write the scripts. Reverend Jen plays the Electra Elf character and sometimes they use the special effect where the same person can be on the screen twice, so I think Jen plays two characters sometimes. Sometimes Jon King is on the show, sometimes he holds the boom mic. Read more »

Phoebe Kreutz on tour in Europe!


Phoebe Kreutz is going on tour in Europe in May and June! Tell all your friends.

03/05 - BERLIN - Madame Claude
05/05 - BERLIN - Schokoladen
06/05 - POTSDAM - Nachtboulevard im Hans-Otto-Theater
12/05 - CASTROP-RAUXEL - Bahia De Cochinos
13/05 - MAINZ - Ventil Verlag headquarters
14/05 - FRANKFURT - Number 2 Records
15/05 - WETZLAR - Café Vinyl
16/05 - DILLENBURG - Erbse
17/05 - DARMSTADT - house concert* (w/ Burning Hell)
18/05 - FRANKFURT - Ponyhof (w/ Burning Hell & Dan Costello)
19/05 - METZ - Bar Le Rubis (w/ Burning Hell)
20/05 - BASEL - 8 Bar (w/ Burning Hell)
21/05 - SCHAAN - MorgenLand Festival (w/ Burning Hell)
22/05 - TIMELKAM - Shellac (w/ Burning Hell)
23/05 - WIEN - rhiz (w/ Burning Hell)
24/05 - ŽILINA - Stanica (w/ Burning Hell)
25/05 - OLOMOUC - Jazz Tibet Club (w/ Burning Hell)
26/05 - BRNO - Mju:z (w/ Burning Hell)
27/05 - DRESDEN - Ost-Pol (w/ Burning Hell)
28/05 - LEIPZIG - Absturz (w/ Burning Hell)
29/05 - GÖRLITZ - Stille Post Asyl Konzert (w/ Burning Hell)
30/05 - RADEBEUL - Barnyard Club (w/ Burning Hell)
31/05 - OSNABRÜCK - Café Mojo (w/ Burning Hell)
01/06 - HAMBURG - Hasenschaukel (w/ Burning Hell) Read more »

Retro Active Schwervon!/B&S Tour Diary DAY 2 & 3


Retro Active B&S Tour Diary continues Day 2: 4/13/11 (Zurich, Switzerland)
I woke up feeling pretty refreshed. Caro had to go to work but she made me a delicious breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. She showed me how to take the tram into the center of town. I found the venue which was part of a hotel called Xtra. I met this really nice guy named Sam who was the production manager there. I would find later that Sam was friends with Ursina, another friend from Switzerland we met through Caro (small world). Anyway Sam said that they had arranged for 2 more hotel rooms than the Belle's needed and that we could sleep in them tonight if we wanted to. This was really great because Klaus was joining us tonight and all three of us were going to have to squeeze into one room at Caro's place. Looks like things are looking up.

I had about 4 hours to kill until Nan's train got in so I decided to go for a walk around Zurich. There is a beautiful river that runs through the center of town so I walked along it. It lead to a big lake appropriately called Lake Zurich. I saw this big wooden mushroom next to the river. Read more »

Major Matt asks Phoebe Kreutz 5 questions (#17)


1. How did we originally meet?
We met because Jenn Lindsay suggested I get you to produce my first album. Which you did. In two days, I think. But I was pretty shy and I didn't feel bonded until the following summer when I hung out on your roof during the blackout.

2. 3 things that make you happy?
1. Dance parties
2. Cooking a big, stupid meal with side-dishes and everything on a weeknight
3. Being off on an adventure when noone knows exactly where you are

3 things that make you sad?
1. The man (and specifically, how powerless I feel to keep him from oppressing everyone and how dumb I feel for feeling powerless.)
2. Change- the way NY and my neighborhood are changing; the way people keep growing up without asking me.
3. Phil Collins's "Against All Odds"- but in a good way.

What is your favorite color?
I'm a big fan of pink. Also blue. I guess I'm like a baby of indeterminate gender that way.

5. 3 people who inspire you? Read more »

Retro-active Schwervon!/B&S Tour Diary: DAY 1


Just got back last night from my week in Europe with Schwervon! opening up for Belle and Sebastian. It was nice to see Nan and some old friends. Here's my typical retroactive blog account of the experience.

4/11/11 Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


So Dina and I took the D train down to OJ Central to rehearse...So I switched out some of the songs, sped up the tempo, told Matt he had to play electric guitar on every song, and told Dina to start to work out some drum parts, which she did admirably on a chair. It sounded great. I wish it was our gig, then I could just be lazy for awhile. So we ran through the songs again and it was great. You should really come see our show at BTP because it is going to be awesome. Speaking of awesome, after rehearsal we went over to see Nan and the One Night Stands at Cakeshop. So a couple of months ago I saw Nan the One Night Stands at Sidewalk and of course it was awesome. Nan is talented beyond belief. You could really call her talent or an entertainer and it would be accurate. Nan solo used to be all about guitar and songs but she has really taken it up a notch. She'll still pick up a guitar for a song or two but the rest of the show is Las Vegas. She even does a great song about Elvis. Live beats, recorded beats, Mark on old school bass, Sam on staccato funk runs, a cast of many, Susan, Yoko, Angela, Julie, singing, dancing, and jamming. Read more »

My Experience at the Protest


The protest was set for 11am-1pm.
I was a bit sick but figured if I had to I could call out of work the next day.
I got there around 1030am.
The stage was set up and there were a few folks with signs here and there.
Close to 11am I saw Chris Hedges talking to a person who had a cameraperson with them.
I decided to go over and listen to what he was saying, since I am a huge Hedges fan and I don't get many opportunities to hear him live and in person (never before have I).
By the time I got over by him they were done and he was alone.
I introduced myself and we had a brief conversation.
He's really nice and has a strong presence. Very grounded.
Piles of people began to show up.
I saw the Trachtenbergs.
Gary Null showed up and said he was going to film for WBAI or something like that.
A few solo folks sang and played and Gary Null gave a short firey speach.
A good rap band, Junkyard Empire performed and a few others spoke and then Chris Hedges spoke.
His speach was really what I most was looking forward to and it did not dissapoint. Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


So I was meeting Dina and Matt at OJ Central to start rehearsals for our upcoming show at BTP. I think Brian is putting us on a bill with Kung Fu Crime wave. Brian told Dina he wasn't doing Mars Chronicles right now so they're not going to play. Oh well, maybe next time. I love that band. The rock show we were going to play got canceled when Sidewalk closed for renovation. Oh well, maybe next time, I feel bad for Bernard because he already paid us on our guarantee and now the show's not going to happen so he's going to be really in the red on this one. I guess I really should give him back the money. Oh well, maybe next time. So I bought a six pack of red stripe beer because it makes me remember how cool Jamaica is and I thought it would be cool to drink some beers during rehearsal. So I get to OJ Central and even thought it's still office hours the front door is locked. So I think O.K., it's Saturday, it must have been a slow day and Matt being a cool boss probably let the staff leave early. So I call him up. No answer. I call Dina. No answer. So I'm standing out in front of O.J. Central by myself with a six pack of red stripe. I decided to drink a red stripe while I waited. Read more »

Dangerous Ponies, Major Matt at Neverlands (4_3_11)


I discovered a really cool DIY space in Bushwick last night called Neverlands. I think there a couple of "Straight Edge" type spaces in the same building but this place had a nice relaxed and positive atmosphere. There's a great stage and the people that run it were super sweet and supportive. I also finally got to see Dangrous Ponies from Philadelphia. They were great. I met Chrissy from DP when she put on The 3 Headed Beast tour I did with Toby Goodshank and Barry Bliss about a year back at her house in Philly. This night gave me so much good vibes I'm still buzzing the day after. No pics of me since I was taking the pics. A really great time! The Ponies are on a ginourmous US tour so you should check them out if the're playing anywhere near you!
P1010214 Read more »

At Home He's a Tourist


I was at home and I thought I was tired so I was lying on the sofa listening to the radio. I was about to get up and start an argument with Dina until...I stopped... I thought... I was bored. I remembered it was Olive Juice night at Sidewalk that night so I grabbed my coat, put on some shoes an ran out the door. I brought the Coby to listen to Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid on the train. The tape started to warp! That's it! The Coby is for radio use only So I'm on the D train going amazingly slow with no Coby and no magazines. I was worried I was going to miss the show because I left kind of late. I was hoping I could still catch Schwervon! And then hang out for awhile at the chill out party Matt was going to D.J. at. The train was so slow, so when I got downtown it was exactly midnight and when I got to Sidewalk the show was over. I was somewhat surprised because it was the Antifolk Festival and sometimes the shows run late. I looked around for Herb because I knew he was covering the festival for American Songwriter but I couldn't find him. He must have disappeared right after the show. I listened to Matt D.J. from his laptop. He was playing alternative music. Read more »

This week at OJ Studios


The place has been noticibly quieter and less cozy with the absence of Nan Turner, who has set off on her first solo European tour. If you live in Europe you should check her out.

(w/ SCHWERVON! adventure in the middle)!
March 31 – Berlin (Schokoladen – w/ one nite stand dancers + Scott Rudd)
April 1 – Dresden (Gartenlokal Fortschrit) (w/ buildings + dresden one nite stands!)
April 2- Leipzig (Galerie Kub)
April 4- Regensburg (Akademie Salon – w/ regensburg one nite stands!)
April 5 – Nurnburg (K4 – w/ John Maus)
April 7 – Bern (Cafe Kairo)
April 8 – Martigny (Les Caves Du Manoir – w/ Magnetix + Movie Star Junkies)
April 9 – Zurich (Binz – w/ Damn It Janet & Nora Duster)
April 11 – Darmstadt (Gute Stube) – w/ darmstadt one nite stand dancers!)
April 12- Koln (Haengendegaerten)
Schwervon! opens for Belle & Sebastian!
April 13 – Zurich (Xtra)
April 14 – Milan (Alcatraz)
April 15 – Munich (Muffathalle)
April 16 – Vienna (Gasometer)
nan solo tour continues!
April 18 – Paris (Pop In – w/ Howard Hughes!)
April 19 – Lille (Drugstore Cafe – w/ dan & rachel!) Read more »

Major Matt asks Linda Draper 5 questions (#16)


1. How did we originally meet?
I don't remember ever officially meeting you, but I remember first seeing you around at the Sidewalk Cafe during Lach's Antihoot nights, somewhere back in '99 or 2000. Yeah, we're old school, man.

2. 3 things that make you happy?
1. Sex
2. Hugs
3. And rock-n-roll

3. 3 things that make you sad?
1. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time
2. Being in the right place at the wrong time
3. Being sad makes me sad

4. What is your favorite color?
sky blue

5. 3 people who inspire you?
1. My mom
2. My dad
3. My husband

At Home He's a Tourist


I was on the Upper Westside yesterday so I went over to 96th Street to see if the Salvation Army had reopened. It had closed a few months ago and I could tell the space was being renovated but I wasn't sure if it would reopen again as the Salvation Army or not. The renovations looked like it could be a yogurt place or a 1950's style burger joint but it wasn't, because it was still the Salvation Army when they reopened. I looked at the LP section and they didn't have anything great, although I was tempted to buy a double LP of Sha-Na-Na on Kama Sutra in excellent condition. But then I decided against it. I also passed up a worn copy of the First Mama's and Papa's LP on Dunhill. I looked into the cardboard box full of cassettes ( it's funny they closed for a year of renovations but they kept the same cardboard box that they sell the tapes from). I found an excellent copy of Neil Young and Crazy Horse's Sleeps with Angels. I never realized how great a band name that is, it's like Neil Young and Crazy Horse, the two people, are standing next to each other. I haven't heard this tape before but I figured for 75 cents it was worth a listen. Read more »

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