The Blog?!?!
I know this open blog thing is kind of a new idea but I'd encourage people to give it a try. Just click on Blog Entry to the left. The idea is is to write a longer format piece (roughly 150 words or more) like a story or a show or album review. It could also just be an opinion about a current even or really long poem. Like the events, there will be an approval step and you will be required to submit a pic with each blog entry but other than that, as long as it's not too nasty, please feel free to post something.
grrrr i can't think of anything to write but i'll post up soon , i think i got something :)
a special music video for my pals at OJ
I hope that I'll finally get around to Distro Gems 2 today. I've been a bit busy trying to send out promos of the upcoming TPM CD.
How does someone view them after they've been posted? I see the link to post one, but none to read them.
Also, can we make comments to blogs?
Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.