Cassette Tape Player?
Just curious to see who still has them. I love making mixtapes for friends but I'm always worried that they don't own a cassette player anymore. I keep hearing that they're coming back. Do they even make dual cassette player/recorders anymore? Mine seems to be on it's last legs...anyone got any leads on a good repair place or seller in NYC?
Beautiful cassette pics... Ilike the sound of mp3 transfers from cassette tapes...
The good thing about cassettes is that the little rubberband motor, if it's running well, couldn't care less about how much jumping around is going on it. Stomp to cassettes!
Tape playback went from thirty inches per second... it kept shrinking and slowing... 7 1/4 ips 1/4 inch reel to reel still sounds pretty good... what were cassettes, 1 1/8 ips? and the tape width went from one inch to 1/2 inch to 1/4 inch to, is it 1/8 of an inch?
meanwhile I saw 8 gigibytes of storage in a thin 1/4 inch chip... with no moving parts...
oh what am I saying... I love cassettes
Don't have a whole lot of helpful stuff to say, other than that I still use and love cassette tapes and tape players. And yes, high-quality tape players, pretty much all of which also record, can still be purchased easily. I have a Radioshack tabletop cassette recorder that I just love. I'm always so pleased with the crunchy-but-even way it compresses totally blown-out sounds.
Actually, I was surprised to see, at Rite-Aid the other day, that they were selling brand-new walkmen. I didn't even know walkmen were still being manufactured! It kind of gave me hope that cassettes will never completely go away. They are just too easy.
P.S. I've very much been enjoying the mixtape you recently made me, Matt. Thanks!