I got name checked in the new Edinburgh Man Pod cast! Check it out.

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MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

It's kind of towards the end but you should listen to the whole cast. There's some good stuff. I like the Throwing Muses song. http://edinburghman.com/edinburgh-man-29

"Here to do great things."

jonny's picture
Joined: 10/03/10 4:25AM
That's because...

... you posted a nice blog entry about the show!

I've written a new post on the OJ blog about the latest episode. I'll try and do one for each show, unless people tell me to stop.

Kristin is great in that video, although really... it mostly just reminded me why the 17 year old me fell in love with the enigmatic Tanya Donelly.