Awesome video re: Wikileaks
Assange walk out of an interview...the dude is my hero.
I do think Wikileaks is pretty cool and important, but this guy... I don't know about this guy.
In my opinion, accusations of sexual violence against women is serious business. His refusal to even listen to the question makes him seem a little guilty to me. Also the fact that he refuses to return to Sweden to face these accusations, is troubling. He likes to paint himself as the most courageous person in the world for starting WikiLeaks, but to me he's a coward for the way he has responded to accusations against him.
I am well aware that the NY Times isn't perfect, but the article touches upon many instances of Mr. Assange's egomanical behavior, not limited to the rape accusation. I just tend to be suspicious of such self-righteous people.
Like I said before, I think WikiLeaks is important, and I respect what they're doing to educate people about what governments are doing in our names. However, I think Julian Assange should step down, put someone with a little more credibilty at the helm and face the charges against him. But I doubt his ego can let him.
So do we have any details about the rape accusaiton? The Times article paints him out to be a bit nutty. I dig the Times but I felt some kind of weird agenda behind the tone of that article. Regardless of what you think about the man's personal life, this has no bearing on the validity of WikiLeaks. If he raped an under aged girl then there's no excused for that and he should go to jail. But that still doesn't mean that the leaks are not credible. Maybe he just picked up a young looking Sweedish girl in a bar that turned out to be jailbait and doesn't want to talk about? I'm not saying that's cool but on the tail of a couple of big news stories where people regret jumping the gun on discrediting people in high profile positions, I would think we should get all the facts on this issue before we throw the baby out with the bath water.
Does anyone know the details of these allegations? I totally understand him not wanting to comment regardless of his guilt. There is a time when any response is just going to fuel speculation and distract people from the importance of his work. Perhaps he's holding off as long as he can so the headlines about him do not over shadow the press about the released documents. This makes sense to me. But then there is a time when no response is going to fuel speculation more. I don't know if that time is now or not but it's probably coming pretty soon.
Here's an interesting response to the Salon article sited above:
I just said it was interesting.
He is accused of rape and molestation in Sweden. I bet that's what he didn't want to talk about.
But don't fret, Ben. I can be your new hero.
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