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MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

My friend Louie once said, "The key to being happy is being thankful." And like a lot of people, lately, I find myself fighting this ever looming shadow of depression. So, I thought since it's that time of the year and all it might be good time to ask:

What are you thankful for...and why?

"Here to do great things."

Chris Andersen's picture
Chris Andersen
Joined: 08/26/10 5:17PM
Man, alright, good question.

Man, alright, good question. I'm thankful that I've got a job and a place to live. I'm thankful I've got good friends and good times. My health; that's been great. Great time to be alive, right now, in history. Much better than say, before the rise of medicine. I'm really thankful for living in an age of medicine. Though there are a lot of unreasonable things going on, I'm really thankful to be living in an age of reason. Yes, that might be what I'm thankful for the most; living when I do in history. It's a great time to be alive.

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
I am thankful that...

every day is a chance to cultivate a growing sense of happiness, joy and contentment. A chance to correct flaws in my way of being. A chance to look at a sky that defies my ability to fathom it's enormity. A chance to think of the people I've called "friend" and feel my heart radiate a profound sense of joy and pride. A chance to come to grips with having done harm to others. A chance to make sure that I do that less and less, in perpetuity. A chance to make a person, once a stranger, into one I would be blessed to call "friend." A chance to provide support to those who might need it. A chance to understand a little more about myself and my motivations. A chance to share my deepest fears, so that my peers can help me expose them for the fragile constructs they really are. A chance to help a friend or a stranger do the same. A chance to learn how to make yogurt. A chance to eat the applesauce my neighbor Elena made, from the fruit of the tree in her yard. A chance to sit on the steps, in the sunshine, play the guitar I've been lent, and sing my songs to the fields beyond and the beckoning heavens above. A chance to watch the moon rise over the mountains amidst a wash of violetorange clouds. A chance to sit and sing and play "Open Door" by the Fools, alone in my room, and break down into tears of joy and just keep on playing, tears streaming down my face . A chance to just accept things as they are. A chance to think that we won't and can't fail, in a vague and yet palpable war of creation versus greed, and that we will win, without ever lifting a finger, in anger or aggression.

Most of all, I'm thankful that I have the chance to be corny as hell.

I hope I don't have to supply a reason for any of those things. I don't know that I'd be able.

I love you.


You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
That's beautiful...

Here's what I came up with:

Being alive with all my senses functioning relatively well. My sister, who is always supportive of me. A roof over my head and food to eat. Nan's smile. My enemies. The people who let me help in realizing their dreams. Pajama bottoms. Neighborhood walks. Robert Gordon (my shrink), Brian Lehrer, Charlie Rose, and Rodney Yee. Okay, my cat. The words and music fairy that chooses to visit me now and then. The kindness of strangers. People that provide me a stage and a microphone and the people that care enough to look and listen. New York City mornings. The Internet. 4th Street Food Co Op. Grapefruit. My Audio Technica 4033. Steel Cut Oats. Guitars. Raw Honey. The way music makes time disappear. The Gnocchi at Max's. Fucking computers. The Olive Juice Music community. German breakfast. Cool neighbors. Punk rock. Pro tools. Late night inebriated conversations with foreigners. New music. Coffee. My 40th birthday party. My teachers. My friends. And you!

"Here to do great things."