Jumping on the Band(camp)wagon

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Elastic No-No Band's picture
Elastic No-No Band
Joined: 08/26/10 1:03PM

After seeing how cool the Bandcamp pages for Art Sorority For Girls and Schwervon! and Casey Holford are, I decided to break down and make one for Elastic No-No Band.

It's got all of our major releases, plus a new batch of 6 songs that will somehow be on our next album.


I'm also slowly posting stuff for my labelmates, I don't have anything up for TPM yet, but I have started a page for Joe Crow Ryan that currently features his not-yet-released 2011 EP, which includes, amongst other things, Tom Waits and Dylan covers.


Check 'em out. I'd like to hear what you think.

--Info on three-worded acts like Elastic No-No Band, Joe Crow Ryan, and Thomas Patrick Maguire at http://www.weemaykmusic.com --

Elastic No-No Band's picture
Elastic No-No Band
Joined: 08/26/10 1:03PM
Completing the set.

Here's TPM's Bandcamp, including a free download of "Corporation Town":


--Info on three-worded acts like Elastic No-No Band, Joe Crow Ryan, and Thomas Patrick Maguire at http://www.weemaykmusic.com --