Excerpt from this week's Chris Hedges Article

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Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM

Innocence, as defined by law, makes us complicit with the crimes of the state. To do nothing, to be judged by the state as an innocent, is to be guilty. It is to sanction, through passivity and obedience, the array of crimes carried out by the state.

full article: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/happy_as_a_hangman_20101206/

Jeannie's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 4:33PM
I Can Dispute So Much

In that article, but where to begin? I am middle class, yet not 1 thing he mentions there about the middle class applies to me. His opinion on public education doesn't apply either to my own public education nor that of my children's education.
You know what I get out of this article, that people are too damn lazy to do the work it takes to succeed and need to blame someone, anyone, the government, the public education system, Wall Street, corporate systems, anything and anyone rather than take an honest look at themselves & their choices.
We need less government interference, more government interference, we need the government to make my life better cause I'm too fucking stupid to know which way will make the world turn that will make my life better.
We have been committing horrors against one another since day 1. Oh those evil Nazi's, those awful terrorists, those scumbag Russians. You know who all those horrible people are? They're you, they're me, they're everyone who wanted someone else to take responsibility for their happiness.
If you want to see all this shit stop then start taking responsibility for yourself. Stop looking to the governments, the corporations, the banks, etc. for what you want. Take responsibility for yourself and for your needs & don't rely on anyone or anything.
I'm so sick of all this the government did this, didn't do that shit. What the fuck have you done personally or do you rely on some entity to take control & make decisions for you?

Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
I am confused, because...

You agree with Mr. Hedges' main point. You and me are to blame. That is exactly what he is saying.

It is instructive that Mr. Hedges quoted Hannah Arendt. She is, perhaps, most famous for the concept, "The Banality of Evil." If anyone is unfamiliar with her or that phrase/concept, please do a search on it.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

Costello's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 11:50PM
"Those who are economically

"Those who are economically broken usually cease to be concerned with civic virtues. They will, history has demonstrated, serve any system, no matter how evil, and do anything for a salary, job security and the protection of their families."

This is frighteningly true. I am pretty impressed with the clarity of this guy's writing.

Anyone wanna come over and talk about this stuff sometime? Now that Apple has a "FaceTime" application I'm craving the real stuff.

Yes. I wrote this.