Spinal Tap goes to 11 on IMDB

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Vincent Nifigance's picture
Vincent Nifigance
Joined: 09/09/10 7:36AM

Spinal Tap is rated out of 11 on IMDB. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088258/
Spinal Tap

You can't actually vote-it an 11, but it's a nice consideration.

I remember watching this film for the first time when I was about 13. It was the day after Christmas & I felt terrible - really ill, like I was coming down with Flu.

My Mum put Spinal Tap on for us, and I was completely cured by the end of it.


Spinal Tap can heal a fever better'n Jesus!

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
I believe

I think it's the movie I've seen more times than any other movie in my life. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. It's not even funny (though it is) how many times my experiences as a touring musician have nearly paralleled scenes in Spinal Tap. My most memorable was one time actually doing a Major Matt solo show following a Puppet Show in Bristol, England. There was no Marquee to complain about but I did hear one of the promoters say something about, "We'll have the Puppet show and then Major Matt." I thought to myself, "I'm living Spinal Tap." I didn't have the guts to blurt out: "If I've told them once. I've told them a thousand times. It's Major Matt first and Puppet show second."

"Here to do great things."

Steve E.'s picture
Steve E.
Joined: 08/29/10 12:59PM
I was touring with Steve Wynn

I was touring with Steve Wynn in Sweden or Denmark. I left my hotel room a little late, and the whole band was waiting for me downstairs in the lobby to go to the gig. I got tired of waiting for the elevator, and ran into what I thought was the exit stairwell. The door shut and locked behind me. It turned out to be some sort of dusty, cobweb-filled, barely lit bunch of corridors and stairs in an unused part of the hotel. All the doors were locked.

I don't remember how I eventually got out, but as I went up and down and in circles all I could think of was the scene in Spinal Tap where they get lost backstage in Cleveland and potentially can't do the show. Strangely comforting, suspecting that I was part of a long tradition of such idiotic events.