Anyone going?

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Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM

The following is by Chris Hedges:

All energy directed toward reforming political and state structures is useless. All efforts to push through a “progressive” agenda within the corridors of power are naive. Trust in the reformation of our corporate state reflects a failure to recognize that those who govern, including Barack Obama, are as deaf to public demands and suffering as those in the old Communist regimes. We cannot rely on any systems of power, including the pillars of the liberal establishment—the press, liberal religious institutions, universities, labor, culture and the Democratic Party. They have been weakened to the point of anemia or work directly for the corporations that dominate our existence. We can rely now on only ourselves, on each other.

Go to Lafayette Park, in front of the White House, at 10 a.m. Dec. 16. Join dozens of military veterans, myself, Daniel Ellsberg, Medea Benjamin, Ray McGovern, Dr. Margaret Flowers and many others who will make visible a hope the corporate state does not want you to see, hear or participate in. Don’t be discouraged if it is not a large crowd. Don’t let your friends or colleagues talk you into believing it is useless. Don’t be seduced by the sophisticated public relations campaigns disseminated by the mass media, the state or the Democratic Party. Don’t, if you decide to carry out civil disobedience, be cowed by the police. Hope and justice live when people, even in tiny numbers, stand up and fight for them.

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
Hey -

This sounds interesting, but who is Chris Hedges? Is there a website or something that is an official source of info about this DC protest on Thursday? I'll take a poke around the internet and see if i find out more... DC is a long way to drive just because a guy I know knows a guy who knows a guy who says something is happening there. Thanks for the info though! I've been hoping to see some kind of public action in response to recent events like the government attempt to criminalize Wiki Leaks and the government plan to extend Bush's tax cuts for billionaires.

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
In case Barry doesn't reply

In case Barry doesn't reply in time, google "chris hedges december 16"

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
Thursday DC

Okay, did some internet searching and found some good stuff, this seems to be on the up-and-up as they say. Personally I'd prefer it if the event focused on economic inequality issues a bit more, but that is included in the general anti-war, anti-military-industrial complex, pro-humanitarian message. Here's a good site with info and some really nice writing about the cause and the actions:

And specific info about what's planned to be happening Wednesday and Thursday in DC:

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
For those who are going...

Please be mindful of agent provocateurs in your midst. Be especially wary of supposed "anarchists" all wearing matching boots and hoodies. They are usually cops. Don't get Toronto'd.

Jeff, Chris Hedges was a foreign correspondent for the New York Times, for about fifteen years, until he resigned, not too long after giving a commencement speech critical of the illegal invasion of Iraq, and being upbraided for his remarks, by "the paper of record." He's taught at Columbia and Princeton. His most recent book is Death of the Liberal Class.

This is the first demonstration that I am even remotely interested in attending, in decades. Unfortunately for me, I am thousands of miles away and am maintaining my standard level of insolvency. I am also more than a little distressed that so many people would attend a publicity stunt/media event like the Stewart/Colbert rally but, won't support a demonstration of ideals and civil disobedience. Especially after so much lip service has been paid to a goal of "change."

By the way, any chance of some kind of response to the "Indict Bush" thread? As per your request, material was presented to back up a proposition, a proposition you disputed. I was under the impression we were engaged in a discussion. I don't see how solutions can emerge from a given scenario, if the problems aren't acknowledged.

Ultimately, you are my friend, and I trust that you will do what you think is best, what is right, for you. Years later, I believe in you, still.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
DC rally tomorrow - in NYC!

Hi all!
After discussing it with Major Matt and looking into it more, I have found out there IS indeed a NYC action happening tomorrow (Thursday) to show solidarity with the people who will be engaged in non-violent direct action in DC. This saves us the pre-dawn drive down to DC (plus I have an appointment tomorrow in NYC that I have been unable to reschedule)...


To respond to Amos above - sorry i dropped out of message board conversations in the recent month, I just got too busy with other stuff to spend all the time I was spending sucked into the message board - but if there's stuff that I ought to address, or that I ought to at least give my opinion on, back over at the Indict Bush thread I'll hopefully get to it - please don't take it the wrong way that I was ignoring anybody or that I was disgusted with anybody and threw up my hands etc - I've been much enlightened by people's thoughts and information sharing in all of this.

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM

This crazy gizmo really woiks!


You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
NYC Thurs rally info!!

For those who can't make to DC tomorrow...
It's one hour, it's after work, and it's right here in NYC.
I'm going! Pass it on, and hopefully see ya there. Info below.

From: Peace Action New York's NEW YORK PEACE NETWORK
Subject: RALLY TOMORROW IN TIMES SQUARE (New York Peace Network Special Alert)
December 15, 2010 SPECIAL ALERT

Can't make it to tomorrow's big anti-war rally in
Washington DC? Come to the coordinated rally
tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. just north of Times
Square. All major New York City peace groups are
participating. I will be there representing Peace
Action of New York State. The names of New York's
war dead will be read, the Grannies will sing
anti-war holiday songs, and the Vets will engage
in non-violent civil disobedience at 6:00 p.m.
We're sending
this Special Alert to all Network Members within
100 miles of Times Square. Please come if you can!

In peace,

Alicia Godsberg
Executive Director,
Peace Action New York State
Special Featured Event

Thursday, Dec. 16, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
TIMES SQUARE AREA. Military Island, Broadway and W. 44th Street
Rally in Military Island: Stand for Peace
All Major NYC Peace Groups
Reading of names of NY war dead Songs by Grannies
Non-violent civil disobedience by Vets
This proceeding is cooordinated with the national
Veterans for Peace "Stand for Peace" action at
the White House scheduled for the same day at
noon. The New York City sympathy rally was
initiated by Bill Steyert, a member of New York
City's Veterans for Peace Chapter 34. Some of the
vets are prepared to commit non-violent civil
disobedience at 6 P.M. in duplication of that to
be carried out at the White House. Names of New
York State dead in the two war zones will be
read, the Raging Grannies will perform anti-war
songs and brief remarks will be made by leaders in the peace movement.
The event is endorsed by Peace Action, Brooklyn
for Peace, and the War Resisters League, as well
as Vets for Peace, the Granny Peace Brigade, the
Raging Grannies, and Grandmothers Against the War.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Thanks for this Jeff

I think I'd be into this. Anyone else? Maybe it would be good to meet ups somewhere more specific beforehand and go up together? Don't know how many people would be there but you know Time Square can be a bit hairy in a crowd.

"Here to do great things."

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM

To all who are going to attend any public gathering, protest or engage in civil disobedience. Please be wary of agent provocateurs, stick together, hold each other accountable, and protect each other. Be peaceful and be careful. I'll be thinkin' 'bout chall.

Don't forget mittens and scarves!


You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
From the Rallies yesterday.

"Here to do great things."

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
What a fucking letdown. And

What a fucking letdown. And here I thought it was some new person named office2010 who had 2,000 replies for every juicy thread on the board.