Obama to Sign Order for Indefinite Detention

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Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM

From the Dec 22 headline at Democracynow.org

Obama to Sign Order for Indefinite Detention
President Obama is preparing to sign an executive order in the new year establishing the government’s right to indefinitely detain prisoners without charge or trial. This according to a report by ProPublica. The administration is expected to indefinitely hold at least 48 of the prisoners remaining at Guantánamo. Under the executive order, prisoners would be allowed to challenge their incarceration periodically. ProPublica reports that nearly two years after Obama’s pledge to close the prison at Guantánamo, more prisoners there are formally facing the prospect of lifelong detention and fewer are facing charges than the day Obama was elected.

This Washington Post article reviews how the order compares to the Bush-era policy:

The Obama administration proposal differs from the Bush administration detention review process in that it would be more adversarial -- detainees would be represented by a lawyer, and the boards would be made up of more than just military officials. The process would be, as the New York Times' Charlie Savage describes it, basically a kind of "parole board" for suspected terrorists.

Laura Murphy of the ACLU told Peter Finn and Anne Kornblut that the changes amount to "a few due-process baubles" and that "our Constitution requires that we charge and prosecute people who are accused of crimes."

Related ACLU release.

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM

looks like it might be time to start getting our petitions for political asylum in order. I think I'll try New Zealand first.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM
Obama is a weak man.

fame hungry wimp-that's what Barack is

"...prisoners would be allowed to challenge their incarceration periodically."

so what
Prisoner: Sir, I would like to challenge my incarceration.
Powermonger: Okay. Noted. We'll get back to you.
Powermonger walks downstairs, shits, washes his hands, returns.
Powermonger: Sorry Mohammedamamam, or whatever your name is but the challenge was denied.
You can challenge again in 2 years.

This is all gross.
If they get there hands on Assange who knows what they'll do.

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
Barry, that was pretty damn

Barry, that was pretty damn funny.

freedom's picture
Joined: 12/26/10 3:37PM
Obama is irrelevant

He's a figurehead. Beware distraction by the figurehead-of-the-year. Notice what and who remain constant. Put energy there instead.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Backstory: Guantanamo

A little update on Lopate today. Not much has changed. Still found some of this interesting.

"Here to do great things."