Chat Roulette

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MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

I just heard this on the radio and I thought it sounded like a fun idea. Here's how it goes.

Someone asks a question. Then a person answers it. The first person to answer gets to ask a question of their own. Then whoever answers that one gets to ask a question and son so on.... It helps if the question is somewhat general since you don't really know who you are asking.

Okay, here's the first one.

Tell me about your most favorite pair of shoes you've had in your whole life and why (so far)?

"Here to do great things."

Chris Andersen's picture
Chris Andersen
Joined: 08/26/10 5:17PM
I hope I'm getting this right

My favorite shoes were probably a pair of green and red plaid Christmas themed Chucks I found picked up at Marshall's in high school. They were super goofy. I think about those shoes and they really remind me of that time of my life. I saw them listed as a Don't in Vice a couple years ago, but I don't give a shit. Those shoes were awesome.

What's the best holiday and why?

Jeannie's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 4:33PM
Groundhog Day! Because you

Groundhog Day! Because you don't have to buy any gifts, you don't have to hang decorations, you don't have to spend money to celebrate it. All you have to do it turn on the news to see if that wonderful little critter saw his shadow or not, and no matter if he does or not, it still gives you a smile to see that cute little critter get all that attention.

If you could bring anyone from history to present day what would you want him/her to see/visit and why?

Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.

Vincent Nifigance's picture
Vincent Nifigance
Joined: 09/09/10 7:36AM
Cliched I know, but come on -

I would bring back Bill Hicks, so he could see...well, just everything, and that the people that have become fans since his death could be on the receiving end of his acerbic wit, and shamed into actually doing something rather than just laughing at his 90s comedy routines, when everything is just as bad now, if not worse.

Do you believe we are just highly developed noggin-jockeys in a souped-up biological marvel of a body, creating this abstract madness for no reason whatsoever?

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
Do you believe we are just

Do you believe we are just highly developed noggin-jockeys in a souped-up biological marvel of a body, creating this abstract madness for no reason whatsoever?

No. If something is possible, it is possible for a reason.

My question: Who is an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend who you admire/respect/are grateful to have dated? Caveat: you must really be over this person, maybe already in another serious relationship. A zen-like reflection on a distant past love only.

rachel's picture
Joined: 08/27/10 12:16AM
I suppose this is a tough one to answer...

Seems like all the other questions were answered quite rapidly but this one, not so much.

My first truly serious adult (post-high school) relationship lasted 5 years so there is probably too much to say in a board post.
The thing about him that inspired me the most was his passion for living...he did exactly what he wanted to do, didn't care about people's opinions or expectations. He was a bad boy, rebellious, and lots of fun. We had pet snakes, drove fast cars (and a motorcycle), worked hard and played hard. I was a good girl growing up and I was very ready to break some rules.
Long story, our relationship ended, and then he passed away in 2003. I realized that life is too short to do anything other than that which makes you happy. A year later, I sold our house, cars, toys, and moved to NYC. I learned just as much about what I want as I learned about what I don't.
I smile when I think of him.

If you could commit any crime, without anyone ever knowing and without ever being caught, what would it be and why?

thefools's picture
Joined: 11/19/10 6:20PM

My first thought would be to steal money from the rich and distribute it evenly around the world...I'd be curious to see what would happen. But, my official answer would be to steal a space shuttle and a pilot and take all my friends for a joy ride around the earth a few times and maybe land on the moon too...jen fool

Question: Have you ever hated a movie enough to walk out of the theater before it was finished...which movie was it?

thefools's picture
Joined: 11/19/10 6:20PM
changing my question

I want to change my question. I decided I don't like it for a couple of reasons. My new question is: What is the strangest place you've ever found a book that you really enjoyed?

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
I know I already went but I'd

I know I already went but I'd like to keep this going. Just a couple of weeks ago I saw one of my favorite books "Where I'm Calling From" By Raymond Carver in a trash can.

If you could choose another ethnicity/nationality other than what you are what would you want to be and why?

"Here to do great things."

Vincent Nifigance's picture
Vincent Nifigance
Joined: 09/09/10 7:36AM

I know I'm breaking the rules but...

I've never walked out of a movie. I suppose I'm a bit more discerning about what I go and spend my money on. I hardly even remember coming out of a movie having not liked it. Only one I can think of is Batman Begins. Let down.

The real reason I wanted to reply to this is because I remember once hearing about a group/collective of people who deliberately walked out of any movie that mentioned the title of the film in the script.

So for example, if you went to see Chinatown, it wouldn't make much of a difference, but if you went to see Superman, you'd have to walk out half-way through. Anyone ever hear of these people?