SPACE! the legal weed...

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CATB's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 8:19PM

do u smoke it? yes? nah?

here's a song about it!

brook's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 4:16AM

Please don't ever smoke this stuff. Doug Cote got a bag for free off this guy in South Carolina, and we got so high we couldn't move. I ended up puking for like 30 minutes. I ended up looking like Keanu from the Matrix, after he busts out of the pod of green stuff.

Seriously, that shit has a warning on the bag that says "not for human consumption."

See yourself on blocks, in fighting form, and everybody loves you now, they're glad you're home.

Neil's picture
Joined: 08/27/10 8:28PM
Sounds like a challenge,

Sounds like a challenge, Brook.

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brook's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 4:16AM
i mean,

Go for it, if you want. Doug smoked it again.

See yourself on blocks, in fighting form, and everybody loves you now, they're glad you're home.