Anybody know an accupuncturist with specific experience with musicians' hands?

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beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM

I don't know anything about accupuncture, is it reasonable to think only in terms of someone who has worked on musicians' hands, or should I just go to any accupuncturist?

~ beau

M Sloan's picture
M Sloan
Joined: 10/24/10 12:25PM

I'm a visual artist whose work requires my utmost manual dexterity.

I've experienced considerable relief from my chronic wrist problems by seeing an acupuncturist once a month who specializes in a style that focuses on muscle release. I guess all acupuncturists who study at the NY school called Tri City (?) specialize in this technique.

My acupuncturists' name and contact is:
Heidi Botnick 718 306 -9152
she has an office in Clinton Hill as well as one in Gramercy.

Also, bassist Julie DeLano told me she was cured of her wrist problems by her acupuncturist who she has much faith in. Maybe you could ask her.

Other than acupuncture I've experienced major help for my wrists while also seeing a chiropractor. He adjusts my back, shoulders, neck, elbows and wrists. I've found that chiropractors vary greatly in effectiveness and also in knowledge of the hands and I love my chiropractor so much I continued to see him even when he moved his office out to Port Washington, Long Island. (I think he still is offering a discount to New Yorkers that offsets the cost of the LIRR). Latch originally referred me to him, actually. His name is Dr. Mike Shwartstein 516 944 -4469

I also once met a bassist who told me his chronic hand and wrist problems weren't cured by anything until he started studying Alexander technique.

Alexander technique's gonna be my next step.

Good luck.

beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM
hey, many thanks, m, i'll get

hey, many thanks, m, i'll get in touch with Heidi and Julie
i studied alexander for a few weeks until i ran out of money ($115 per hour) but alexander's value for the human body can't be overstated . . i'd study it continuously if i were a zillionaire :o)

~ beau