Onto Algeria

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opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM

Egypt is still awesome, everyone cleaned Tahrir Square and people are starting to form political parties and discuss democracy but...

Don't forget our brothers and sisters in Algeria. It's difficult because Al Jazeera and other independent media do not have large bureaus there and their second language is French, not English- but they still need our support. Their government is trying to block Facebook and twitter. @Eyes On Algeria and @themoornextdoor is a good source for updated news and hashtags are #Feb12 or #12Fev.


Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
Don't forget...

Haiti. They deserve real elections too, not these shameless U.S. influenced/endorsed shams.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.