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opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM

Foreign Press is not allowed in but this is moving very fast and very violently. Please try to spread the word.

map of events happening on the ground. Deaths, Arrests, Protests everything Videos and news as it happens

opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM

Human Rights Abuses- Remember this is our ally!

If Bahrain falls- so does the house of Saud.

Its time to alt control delete the Arab world.

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM

Are the arab nations heading towards being non-torturing, democratic nations while europe, canada, and the u.s. are heading towards being torturing, dictatorship nations?
Is it true that as arab masses protest for a more open society masses (tea party, etc.) in the u.s. protest for a more closed society?

opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM
I wonder if we had never gone

I wonder if we had never gone to Iraq, if Iraqi youths would be marching in Baghdad tonight for themselves- putting aside their differences and standing together as Iraqis to toss out Saddam. I've noticed Muslim-Christian tensions have subsided since Egyptians stood up. Nothing is better for patriotism and national unity than kicking out the guy who's been oppressing you. I'm sure we wouldn't have people like Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck if we focused on who is really to blame- Wall Street and the corporate takeover of Washington.

I think its time to start looking at our government for the roots of our problem and not outside. Radical Islam, China, North Korea, Mexican drug lords, are not the reason we are in this recession. The problem is Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, lack of energy policy, and corporate take-over of our government. This is the first time I haven't heard Arabs complain about Western interference and Israel- (well at least the people aren't, the governments are trying to save themselves on those grounds). We need to stop blaming the usual suspects as well and take a look at how our country has rotted from within because we were too focused outward.

Actually, if they're domestic policies weren't so fucked up, I would support the tea party. I get why they're mad- we should be mad. Except instead of just small government, we need a government that supports its citizens. We need to pay for the things we use instead of just cutting services.

Being on the ground here, I hope some of the spirit in the air floats your way.

opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM
Please Send These Videos To Your Congressman/Senator/Obama

Please send out these videos to anyone you know who can help. Call the embassies and give them a piece of your mind.

Bahrain- military has opened fire on its people. Saudi Arabia likely to send re-enforcements (They are chanting "peacefully") (Same incident from another angle) (Emergency Room in Bahrain)
Bahrain embassy lines: +1-202-342-1111

Libya- Still the best place for confirmed news. There are no news teams on the ground, although I heard the revolutionaries have taken over Libya's eastern border with Egypt so some journalists are heading in.
Eastern half of Libya is under the control of the revolutionaries, but Gaddafi has brought in mercenaries from Chad. The men are going from house to house looking for the families of the protesters.
There are reports of armed men kidnapping or murdering injured patients in the hospital
It is just confirmed some water supplies have been poisoned.
Cell service, gas, and water have been cut off in parts of the country.
Gaddafi and his family have killed large numbers of Libyans before for much less. He will destroy his country rather than surrender.
Libyan Embassy Line Number: +1 202-944-9601

I don't have as much footage but Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Kuwait, Sudan, and Algeria are standing up as well. Call their embassies and let them know we are watching them:
Algeria: (202) 265-2800
Iraq: (202) 483-7500
Jordan: (202) 966-2664
Kuwait: (202) 966-0702
Oman: (202) 966-0702 (well it seems Kuwait and Oman have the same number so yell at the both at once)
Yemen: (202) 965-4760

Morocco is starting their uprising on Sunday.

opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM
libya is a massacre. They are

libya is a massacre. They are using heavy artillery on unarmed civilians. Why won't Obama speak about it?

opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM
libya is a massacre. They are

libya is a massacre. They are using heavy artillery on unarmed civilians. Why won't Obama speak about it?

opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM
message from Libya
opemily's picture
Joined: 09/07/10 5:49PM
Day of Rage Works

Amazing- 12 hours ago, I feared the worst but the Libyans came out in full force and they have the country except for Tripoli. They have burned Qaddafi's palace to the ground.

So... can we plan a Day of Rage on Wall Street?

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Obama administration: Libya

Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval

"Here to do great things."