Sidewalk Face Lift

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MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

Just got this email from Ben the booker at the Sidewalk Walk Cafe. Could be good.

Hey Everyone,
As of today, Tuesday March 1, the Sidewalk is closed for renovations and will be open again in mid April. ALL shows and events until April 10th are CANCELED. This email is being sent to all acts who are effected by this sudden news. It was sudden to me as well (I found out last night).

We will be upgrading the club's backline, sound system and back room (and piano?!?!). Major renovations will be done to the bar and restaurant area.

I am actively answering my emails, booking May 1 onward. If you need to contact me in order to reschedule your show for the spring, please do so.

UPDATES WILL BE POSTED ON THE SIDEWALK WEBSITE, including any news regarding Monday's regular open stage.

On behalf of the Sidewalk, I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. Believe me, I can sympathize - I'm out of work and pay for 6 weeks I wasn't planning on.

Let's be in touch and I'll see you on the other side. The silver lining on this is a big one - renovating and upgrades are always fun and we've needed them for a while.


"Here to do great things."

nan's picture
Joined: 07/29/10 7:42PM
venue ideas for a march show (that was at sidewalk)?

Anyone know of a venue I can put this night on???? it was all set for sidewalk....
it's my tour kickoff show before i head to europe and i'd like to still have this nite somewhere-
any suggestions would be helpful!

Friday march 25th

A nite of artists that now needs a venue!

7:45 kate wheeler (reading)
8:00 joanna kelly
8:45 emily wexler (dance)
9:00 nan turner
9:45 julie delano
10:15 susan hwang & the relax samplers
11:00 phoebe kreutz
11:30 yoko kikuchi
12 erin regan

Chris Andersen's picture
Chris Andersen
Joined: 08/26/10 5:17PM

You could use my roof (this could easily be considered the worst possible solution to your problem).

Or Matchless?

LP's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 1:01AM

I might have a spot, but I'll have to check. Let me know if nothing else comes up.

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
Brian Speaker, BTP?!?!

Brian Speaker, BTP?!?!

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM
So wait...

What happens to all the staff who rely on that place to pay rent and buy drugs and such? Did anyone get more than a couple days notice, so they could figure out other arrangements? Do you have any input as to the changes in the back room? PUT THE SOUND BOOTH IN THE CENTER OF THE BACK ROOM!!! (Yeah, I know it'll never happen but, from a sound tech perspective, that'd be pretty sweet.)

Hope it all works out for the best!

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
It blows for all staff

It blows for all staff members, some more than others (some of us have spouses and savings). I know for a fact that Pini was trying to work out the renewal for the liquor license up until the last minute and broke the news as soon as it was apparent that there was no way we could sell drinks legally during the month of March. It is very unlike him to drop the ball like this, but he was severely and unexpectedly out of commission after his knee surgery and it happened. And the NYS Liquor Authority is not sympathetic. So we're renovating. It's supposed take 4-6 weeks, but right now I'm concentrating on May and beyond since that's in the safe zone.

I'll be updating the Sidewalk's blog with news. Brian and I put together a killer wishlist last night and we're going to try and get it all.

Also, after already hearing about 10 different opinions from performers on this news, I've decided that I'm not going to engage in any more online/offline conversations about it. I'll just direct people to the blog. It's the only way I'm going to enjoy the incredibly huge silver lining of being off work for a little while.

LP's picture
Joined: 08/29/10 1:01AM
Drug Reserve

Whaa? You never dipped into the Sidewalk drug kitty?

Amos's picture
Joined: 08/28/10 12:49PM

Wow, that is a tough spot for a lot of people. I hope they've been keepin' up with their "Oh shit" money.

You should know what Sibel Edmonds knows.