Open Tourdates in Europe

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Costello's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 11:50PM


We still have a few open dates on our Dan and Rachel tour. Here's the schedule with the TBA listings. If you have any ideas, let me know at Thanks!

13-Apr Frankfurt, Germany - Instore performance at No. 2 Records
14-Apr Koln, Germany - Bunker's Cafe
15-Apr Wuppertal, Germany - Bürgerbahnhof Vohwinkel (w/ Schreng Schreng & La La)
16-Apr Bochum, Germany- Rottstrasse 5 Theatre
17-Apr Bonn, Germany - Das Nyx
...18-Apr Aachen, Germany - Hotel Europa
19-Apr Lille, France - Drugstore Cafe
20-Apr Brussels, Belgium - Live Music Cafe
21-Apr Brussels, Belgium - La Porte Noir (with IN V.I.T.R.I.O.L)
22-Apr Amsterdam, Netherlands - Delicatessen Zeeburg AND Tricky Theatre (two shows)
23-Apr Amsterdam, Netherlands - Skek
24-Apr Kiel, Germany - Prinz Willy
25-Apr TBA
26-Apr Copenhagen, Denmark - Tjili Pop
27-Apr Copenhagen, Denmark - Speakeasy
28-Apr Hamburg, Germany - Hasenschaukel
29-Apr Hannover, Germany - Mario's Loft
30-Apr Berlin, Germany - Kim's (Mitte)
1-May Immeldorf, Germany - Weisses Ross
2-May Zurich, Switzerland - El Lokal
3-May Help with a show in Switzerland!
4-May Help with a show in Switzerland!
5-May Basel, Switzlerland - Sebastian's Place
6-May Bern, Switzlerland - TBA
7-May Geneva, Switzerland - Le Cabinet
8-May Lyon, France - L'Antidote
9-May Toulouse, France - Le Saint Des Seins
10-May Bordeaux, France - TBA
11-May Orleans - Astrolabe
12-May Paris, France - TBA
13-May Dijon, France - Les Tanneries
14-May Strasbourg - Parc Des Contades
15-May Wetzlar, Germany - Café Vinyl (w/ Phoebe Kreutz)
16-May TBA
17-May Koln, Germany - Haengenden Gaerden
18-May Frankfurt, Germany - Ponyhof (w/ Phoebe Kreutz and The Burning Hell)

Yes. I wrote this.

honeybird's picture
Joined: 11/14/10 11:27PM
holy guacamole!

dang costello, that sure is a lot of shows in a row, congratulations!

i'm bookin our late may european tour now (i still call it that even through we're based in italy hence are technically in "europe" although italy is a little "different" and perhaps "shittier" when it comes to people loving and dancing to -andgoingouttosee- unique new music ...although don't get me wrong, i love our indie scene & musical zaniness here in rome as well as touring around's gorgeous and delicious)

OK i digress bigtime...

for 3/4 may you can contact labuenaonda in St. Gallen, Switzerland...they say it's quite a cool town for music. i'll email you the details now

cheers to you and cheers to all from rome italy