Junk Food A)Is Addictive, and B)Makes You Stupid

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beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM

I've been saying it for years, and now there's scientific, though politically incorrect, evidence.

"Researchers have found that a high-calorie diet of fatty, sugary food leads to compulsive overeating in rats and causes changes to the brain similar to those in humans who are addicted to the drugs."
—from http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/families/national/healthnews/5422017.Rats_a...

"Rats fed a high-fat diet show a decline in their cognitive ability after just nine days" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090811143548.htm

If you doubt, walk into McDonalds and listen to a conversation.

~ beau

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
We did an experiment on two

We did an experiment on two baby rats in 7th grade. We fed one water and rat food, the other orange soda and potato chips. After a few weeks, the first one was big and healthy while the other looked smaller, sick and utterly miserable. Say what you will about testing on animals...it made a huge impression on me.

That being said, on my birthday I treated myself to a Hostess fruit pie like I used to get at the supermarket as a kid. I won't lie, it was great. Not a lot of soul like a canoli, but pure nostalgic junk heaven. I gave Marcella a taste and she looked like I had shown her God. But she's still all about the bananas.