Fun! 100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos

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beau's picture
Joined: 09/01/10 9:44PM

~ beau

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM

I did a word search for "Thompson" and the fact that there are zero matches completely negates the list for me.

dibson's picture
Joined: 04/15/10 5:53PM

That's a cool video. I was just introduce to him two weeks ago - my teacher showed me this video of him playing an acoustic fingerstyle tune. It appears that the dude has played some guitars.

Bee K's picture
Bee K
Joined: 07/30/10 10:54AM
Richard Thompson is a god

"Vincent Black Lighting" is a modern folk classic.

Tell me this isn't one of the greatest love songs every penned:

My personal ratings on Richard Thompson records I own:

I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight (1974) - 10/10 - This is a classic Richard & Linda record. A lot of celtic-flavored ballads about drinking and suicide.

Hokey Pokey (1975) - 8/10 - A solid Richard & Linda outing. "A Heart Needs A Home" is on this one.
Pour Down Like Silver (1975) - 10/10 - Written during the couples conversion to Sufism, this is an amazing record of Islamic folk songs.

Shoot Out the Lights (1982) - 10/10 - This is the Richard & Linda record that gets all the attention because they were about to get divorced and the pain/anguish is all over the place. Plus, the electric guitar is killer.

Hand of Kindness (1983) - 8/10 - Richard's first post-Linda solo record. The best songs like "Tear-Stained Letter," are classics. I'm not crazy about everything on here. But it as a solid, uniform sound that's appealing.

Amnesia (1988) - 7/10 - Worth it for "Turning of the Tide"

Rumor and Sigh (1991) - 9/10 - An incredibly eclectic solo record, the one that "Vincent Black Lightning" shows up on.

Mirror Blue (1994) - 9/10 - This record gets beat up on because of Mitchell Froom's production. I don't know what the problem is...I like the risks they take and the guitar solos are, as always, amazing.

You? Me? Us? (1996) - 5/10 - This one sounded so good. A double album, one side electric with band, one side acoustic. But the songs aren't that strong and I don't think you're missing much by avoiding it unless you can find it used.

Mock Tudor (1999) - 10/10 - He unveiled a whole new batch of live favorites on this one. It's simply a joy to listen to.

The Old Kit Bag (2003) - 7/10 - Good, but I don't listen to it as much.
Front Parlour Ballads (2005) - 6/10 - An all acoustic album. Good, not great.
1000 Years of Popular Music (2006) - 8/10 - Thompson covers popular songs spanning 1,000 years, ending with Bowling for Soup and Britney Spears (see video below)

Sweet Warrior (2007) - 6/10 - Well-written, but he's a smug old codger now and I don't think these songs resonate.