In Happy News

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Jeannie's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 4:33PM

Barry Bliss now has a website! and its great! Pure Barry.
I love where Barry writes he's not inspired to play his old music. It reminded me of a few years back when I saw Neil Young in concert. He was promoting his album Greendale so songs from that album were all he was playing. The audience kept yelling out titles from his old songs for him to play, but Neil just ignored them. At one point it got a little crazy so Neil grabbed his mic & told the audience to stop wasting their time with their requests. He said, those old songs were great in making him a very rich man & now that he is a rich man he can afford to play whatever he damn well feels like & he doesn't feel like playing his old stuff anymore. It was terrific & the audience went wild.
Barry may not be monetarily rich, but he's rich of mind, rich of spirit & more importantly, rich of heart. He, and his music, inspire me.

Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Barry Bliss Vol. 1 and 2

Just in time for the first 2 volumes of this epic release:
Part of a 4 volume set of a lot of the songs that Barry Bliss wrote and performed from 1994-2011. Each volume contains newer songs and older songs. All the songs were ordered rather randomly. When you see the "(2011)" it means these are the 2011 versions, most likely with different lyrics than earlier versions. All the songs were recorded in 2011 at Olive Juice Music studio. Barry asked photographer Scott Gordon to take photos of certain things and these photos make up the covers. "Barry wrote this in third person".

"Here to do great things."