Happy Nabka Day!
This was very informative. Thanks for posting!
Thanks for posting the link to the documentary.
Have you heard of Norman Finkelstein?
Some staunch supporters of Israel can be righteous and hard-headed, but referring to them as "trolls" doesn't really do much to advance the civility of conversations on the related topics at hand.
I'm not familiar with the documentary Defamation, but I can tell you with assurance that antisemitism has a life blood of its own with or without Abe Foxman.
Here's a lovely thread that contemplates the next great expulsion of the Jews and refers to them as satan's spawn.
From less radical quarters I can only draw on the examples that I see around me with more frequency than I'd like.
thanks for posting that herb. if you don't experience it, you don't know what it's like. i'm not very religious, and i do believe religion is the source of most of the war and hate in this world... but that being said, just a quick thought about antisemetism... as my mom would say you can call yourself an atheist or denounce judaism, but if you were born a jew, in a certain place and time, no would care what you said... you'd end up dead....or worse....
I am not Jewish.
I agree with Norman Finkelstein, whose parents were both held in concentration camps during WW2, that there are people using (exploiting) the holocaust for personal/national gains.
My take is that Israel as a nation is acting more like Nazi Germany did than most admit.
To use the murder of your ancestors for selfish reasons is maybe the grossest thing a human can do, and I see this happening on a massive scale regarding the Israely government and it's Prime Minister.
It's a terrible blot on the U.S. that we are in support of this regime.
I am not anti-semetic, but unless I have the definition wrong, I am anti-zionist.
(Whether or not Palestine would conduct itself the same way as Israel now does if they had the power Israel does is a good question. I say it's probable they would. They don't though, and they are being bullied.)
PS I am anti-religion.
I could not care less about Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or any of the other religions per se, and I know more about them than some of their followers/practitioners do.
I am not going to say much more as I haven't studied it enough (besides my own feelings), but check out jerusalempeacemakers.org
I'm on my way to the airport otherise would post the link. This is my cousin and he is an inpiration to anyone who wants peace... he has risked and dedicated his life to this...
I know that there are anti-zionist Hassidic Jews and all kinds of others that to one degree or another are advocating sharing and some sort of fair settlement be agreed upon.
That is not the Israelie govt. or the Prime Minister's stance though.
Like many Israelies, we Americans live on stolen land where we pushed off and killed those that were here before us.
Our history is as grotesque as Israel's.
There have probably been times when the Israelie leader has pointed that out quite bluntly to the American President. (Not that he didn't know that already.)