who knows about projectors????

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CATB's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 8:19PM

anyone one know where we can rent/borrow one ?? plz HELP!

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
I dunno where you can

I dunno where you can rent/borrow one, but I've been looking into buying a new one and there's a wide range of prices on ebay and craigslist etc. Depends on what you need it for... bigger/more powerful is more expensive, but you can get a small one for not too much. I'm sure if there was such a thing as a place to rent one, Google would know...
I'm heading out of NYC with my projector on tour at the moment, or we could talk about using mine (tho I don't even know if you're in NYC) -