Birthday Presents for a 1 Year Old???

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MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

Any suggestions?

"Here to do great things."

M Sloan's picture
M Sloan
Joined: 10/24/10 12:25PM
Give em something to

Give em something to titillate their senses: an old fur coat they can roll around on, a wind chime for their bedroom window, a blanked with some sort of special charm. My earliest memories are of the patterns of my blankets. For many years into growing up, seeing the patters would lull me.

Or give the baby something they can enjoy when they're older. I stagey photo of you and them, for ex.


PS damn it. Just saw the b day must've passed months ago. Well you can do all this for Christmas if your family celebrates that.