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Jeannie's picture
Joined: 08/26/10 4:33PM

You may not know this, but I've been doing a little singing down here in the Charleston area. Some folks heard me & asked if I'd perform in a Valentine's Day show at the Bistro. HELL YES! I said & have been busy looking into what songs to sing, they're mostly torch songs since I need a VD theme.
Anyway, I found this amazing song which is perfect for my deep, loud voice Its been recorded by Joan Baez, Linda Ronstadt, & Cher to name a few, but I need the sheet music for the band. All I could find were guitar tabs, not good for the piano & horns.
So I find the composers website *Eric Kaz* & I email him & ask where can I purchase the music? He writes me back, sad that its not really available any longer, but if I send him my mailing address he'll pull a copy from his files & send me a photocopy.
I am BEYOND blown away! Pun not intended! LOL How cool is this?!! I mean, this dude has had everyone & his brother record his stuff & he's sending me a copy of the music, no charge.
Just goes to show, there still are some great folks in this world.
BTW, the song is I'm Blowing Away. Great tune, fits me to a T! Now to locate some other songs to complete the set.

Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM
Nice story.
