Preston Spurlock / Toby Goodshank split 7-inch

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Elastic No-No Band's picture
Elastic No-No Band
Joined: 08/26/10 1:03PM

Weemayk Music is proud to announce its third-ever 7-inch vinyl release.

First was TPM's "Corporation Town / Divorce Man" on green vinyl:

Then, there was the 4-band split cover of "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" on red and/ or pink vinyl:

Now, comes the exciting third chapter in our 7-inch record-making saga. A pink vinyl release featuring a new song by Preston Spurlock on the A side and 2 new Toby Goodshank collaborations on the B side.

You can pre-order the pink vinyl or the digital download on Bandcamp and get an immediate download of Toby Goodshank & Deenah Vollmer's "Meditate":

--Info on three-worded acts like Elastic No-No Band, Joe Crow Ryan, and Thomas Patrick Maguire at --

Toby Goodshank's picture
Toby Goodshank
Joined: 08/26/10 4:39PM
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