The Election, The Economy, The Horror

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MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM

Anyone have any thoughts on the up an coming presidential elections?

Thanks to the supreme court and Newt Gingrich's superpac we now clearly see the horror that unlimited spending can do to our democratic process. Barbra Bush says this is the "Worst campaign" she's ever seen. If I wasn't so cynical about the power of money I'd say this just might be the year that the Republican party self destructs.

I'm so used to the bad news, I'm skeptical of any good news about the economy... I'm about to embark on a life with a lot of traveling in my future and of course I just heard about airline prices not getting any lower for at least the next decade, due to lack of competition. And gas prices are at an all time high. I just can't get a break.

"Here to do great things."

dina's picture
Joined: 08/30/10 2:37PM
Well at least you can say you

Well at least you can say you have been active in fighting for what you believe in. Sometimes it does feel like no matter what you do it's like you're banging your head against the wall, and that there is no where you can go in this world and get away from all you mentioned apart from moving to mars... But you gotta try and stay on the sunny side and think about all the great adventures you are about to embark on.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Thanks Dina. It's cool. I was

Thanks Dina. It's cool. I was just venting about stuff on my mind. The simple act of moving is really flipping my world upside down. I'm throwing away stuff that I've had for 25 years. It feels good and kind of scary. The thing that I'm really not looking forward to is entering the car culture again. I know so little about cars and I just want to get something that's affordable and comfortable but fuel efficient too for touring. Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words.

Speaking of if anyone has any good advice about good touring vehicles for a small touring band let me know. I'm looking at wagons and minivans.

"Here to do great things."