on and on it goes
Thu, 03/22/2012 - 3:35pm
The grocery store (no organic stuff to be found) in our neighborhood (Bronx) has a security guard at the entrance that asks you for you backpack.
The library asks you for your driver's license (which they keep until your done) when you use a laptop.
The vans where I work have had cameras/GPS put in them--with microphones that supposedly turn on when you hit a bump or it detects a jostle.
Sun, 03/25/2012 - 2:09am
Sounds like Pakistan or Yemen
Sounds like Pakistan or Yemen ( walking down the street and having a drone come out of the sky and shoot the person next to you). I wonder why they're always angry with us?
Just wait til Sept 2015 when the Feds will be putting drones in the skies. They'll know if you spit on the sidewalk
Yes, its me. You may now genuflect.