OJ in the Deli this week
There is an interesting article in the Deli this week about the NYC music industry. I have a couple of quotes in it. It starts on page 7. It's more or less a hatchet job of a lot of stuff I said but quotes are accurate.
There is a sentence in the article that is sticking in my crawl a bit. It's in the second paragraph of the section about Olive Juice. The phrase that I "single-handedly" did all of these things couldn't be further from the truth. I had a great deal of help from Nan and a lot of other people. I could never have done any of the things I have done, musically, without a great deal of support and volunteer help from friends, fans, family and fellow artists. I really want to make that clear I never said I did any of this stuff "single handedly." It was an inaccurate liberty made by the writer. It is not how I feel. Other than that I think it's a pretty interesting article.