Very sad news.
Dashan Coram has passed away. I don't know if there are any funeral arrangements yet, but I'll post the info when I find out.

Thanks Neil. Of course, Nan and I give all our love to everyone in NY and extended community who were connected to Dashan. He was a talented human being with a sweetness that I will miss. Wish we were there to help people get through this. I hope people are not afraid to talk about this with each other and process together here and there. I think it's good to do that sometimes. We miss and love you all very much!
MMM and Nan (from Omaha, NE)
I just heard this from Toby. I'm in absolute disbelief.
I hope everyone is getting through this ok. I'm heading down to the city tomorrow and will be there through the weekend. Please get in touch if there are gatherings or if I can stay with you for a night or for any reason at all. I'm really grateful for those of you who gave me a call to let me know what happened. Really thinking about everyone and the amazing times in Hugga and NYC and feel so lucky to have known Dashan and everyone else who is feeling this sadness about him leaving. Much love to everyone scattered afar who would like to be here, I wish we could all be together for this. Anyone feel free to give me a call, talk, email whatever. We got each other. I have a show on Thursday I can't weasel out of, if anyone wants to hang out before or after, or friday anytime, let me know. I miss Dashan.
This was just so unexpected and horrible. At least there was a beautiful night at GBM--a sort of a wake, I guess. Irish style, with drinks and hugging and loud music. But without Dash a little less beautiful and certainly less fun. Hard to believe we wont just be seeing him at the next show or the next party or whatever.
as you all are, we are devastated. we were not able to make it last night..
if anyone gets any details on funeral etc please keep us posted.
thanks and love
someone, either here, on my gmail, or in person tell me how it happened when/if you are okay with doing so?
Just found this. A lot of touching pics here plus songs, reflections about and connections to Dashan.
3 people emailed me and gave a few loose details.
I am not qualified to judge anybody, so I have no judgement (nor does anyone care whether I have a judgement or not).
It is possible I suppose that Dashan made a mistake somehow, as we all have, and this particular one was fatal.
Again, too many factors I am unaware of and I am not perfect so I could not judge no matter how many facts I had, but I never just blindly mourn and I have been wondering why he died and what is good or bad or neither about it--so I am sharing.
I will say that to me he was a friendly, gentle, honest, supportive and sensitive man.
These kinds of people make mistakes sometimes and sometimes they make a bad decision.
I have no judgement regarding him.
Here's a beautiful photo album that Yoko put together in commemoration of Dashan.
It's open to all. (It's not on Facebook).
Just wanted to say I love you all...the stories, pictures, videos. I feel so lucky to be a part of this family.
I am not aware of any funeral arrangements as yet but do want to offer our futon, mattress, etc to anyone who might be coming in from out of town and in need of a place to crash. Feel free to call/txt/email...
How wild is that that that photo of Dashan, Dan, and Dibs was taken 8 years ago?
So much has changed.
Nice blog thanks matt
Someone told me a few hours ago, but I didn't know who knew, etc.
I'd like some details when/if appropriate and known.
Thanks Neil.