Ben Gibbard on Obama

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Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM

Nice stuff, check it out (Ben is of Death Cab For Cutie/Postal Service) -

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM
When, for Christ's sake? Never?

I saw the page and read the first few lines and that was enough for me.
He may be a nice guy but I am too, and I say Obama is probably as bad as Bush was and no worse than Romney would be.

For those who like the politics game (and even if you do the U.S. has a rigged, crappy one) then go vote.

Taking part in the system is condoning it.

I cannot in good conscience go to some poll and request a leader, let alone the careerist Obama.

I should have known 4 years ago that when Obama proved to be a joke tons of people would just give it another go 4 years later.

"Yeah, but, maybe this time..." over and over and over.

Obama will continue to usher in surveillance and continue to do away with all the laws that protect you from being imprisoned without a trial (and assasinated) while doing a few things like giving gays the right to marry legally.
it's like me breaking into your house and taking over and then letting you use the toilet.
Sure it's nice that you get to use the toilet, but godamn, look at the overall picture.

Here we go again.
I'll say what I say, most will ignore it or argue about it, it'll come to be, and most will act like I never said it.

Obama will more than likely win.
He has served big business and the military industrial complex so well (probably beyond their expectations) that he is probably a shoe in.
He'll win, and you'll be seeing more drones, raw milk outlawed, more assasinations, more machine guns for cops, more tracking devices, and less and less LEGAL freedom.

I have no pity or support inside of myself for anyone that happens to be homosexual that plays this awful game and supports someone gutting our constitutional (LEGAL) rights just because he says "Hey, but you gay folks can get married now. Really."

Perhaps it'll be a gay man that ushers in the next world war.

If you are not homophobic, if you are truly not predjudice, then you do not give a fuck whether someone is gay or not, and you certainly don't pretend that being gay means you aren't a murderer or psychopath.

PS No shit in a world of laws it makes sense that gay people should be able to legally wed.
Is that all Barack has to promise you for you to condone him in helping to destroy the planet and everyone on it?

(Personally, I believe everyone refusing to get legally married would have been a much more interesting way to deal with the gay marriage issue.
Just tell them they can have their game and have all illegal marriages (outside of their control) recognized by all that is real.)

PPS Things are now so bad that I actually am censoring myself in very minor ways right now because Obama has proved he and his successors won't rest until all that don't see things their way are punished, imprisoned, and or killed.
I'm getting braver---so I guess my end is getting closer.
Perhaps a few years from now I will be behind thick glass like the Pussy Riot women.

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM
A friend

just pointed out to me what I forgot while typing away--which is that
"Obama isn't as bad as Bush, he's as irrelevant as Bush."
I agree with him/her.
They are basically figureheads.

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
Obama is fighting for health

Obama is fighting for health care for me - the difference between voting for Obama vs. voting for Romney (or vs. not voting) is the difference between fighting for health care for me (and probably most other artists/musician whom we know) or not fighting for our health care.
This is as non-abstract as night and day. A vote for Obama is saying you would like to add your vote towards the fight for health care for me and millions of other uninsured Americans. Anything else is saying that you don't care about our chances of getting health care.
It's also pretty huge to have a president who will openly support the rights of homosexuals. Good luck getting Romney, or almost any other politician, to do that. That may or may not mean much to your own life, but it means a hell of a lot to some people whom you personally know.
To say that there's no difference between Obama and Romney is incorrect; it's worth looking into and checking out some of the differences in what they have already done and what they would like to do in the future.

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM

1. I find their differences to be only on the surface.
2. The health care system Obama is supposedly going to make available is, from my understanding, very limited and based still on supporting the medical industrial complex.
I don't even know that it's good that maybe more 8 year olds will be able to have psychotropic drugs that harm them for life.
(Yes, it's nice to be able to get a broken arm or a burn looked after and not go bankrupt afterwards. Just saying.)
Jeff, these are scraps off of the thieves/murderers tables---and not only that--they are set up so as to benefit their friends monetarily, etc.
3. I indeed do not know all of the technical details, but when I learn one it always supports my stance as far as i can tell.

Now, let me state for the record that I am quite fond of Jeffrey and I believe that he is a nice, conscientous, and good man.
My understandings, my karma, my mission, and my obligations are vastly different from his---at least until you get all the way down to the core.
I would trust Jeffrey to watch a baby of mine.
I would not trust Obama or Romney to care for a child of mine if I had one.

Barry Bliss's picture
Barry Bliss
Joined: 08/02/10 9:00AM
Another Reply.

A vote for Obama is saying you would like to add your vote towards the fight for health care for me and millions of other uninsured Americans.-----Jeff Lewis

A vote for Obama is also saying you would like to add your vote towards the wars the government wages, assasinations of U.S. citizens without trial, etc.

(Also, I disagree that voting for Barack is voting for helath care. It may be voting for a very limited form of medical care, but it is not a vote for any form of health care.)

Would you vote in the Nationalist Party or the Nazi Party if they were the only one's offering "health" care?
Let's get real here.
I'll bet Hitler offered some nice things to his fellow Germans as well.
Is Obama Hitler?
No, but he is Obama and these little gifts from his castle should not keep you from seeing the destructiveness of the entire system he is a part of.

"Health" care and Gay legal rights--in very limited forms as well--are not good enough if overall there is murder, torture, and the destruction of our physical planet.