Quick vid about Paul Ryan

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Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM

Here's a 90-second vid about Paul Ryan (Romney's newly-selected running mate) which I think is a powerful reminder of who he is what he stands for, it's worth watching and worth passing around to other folks -


MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
Here's another one!

This dude it super scary!

"Here to do great things."

Jeff Lewis's picture
Jeff Lewis
Joined: 09/12/10 8:08PM
That's insane and shocking,

That's insane and shocking, thanks for posting!!
This poor old guy paid into those programs for decades, and he has to listen to Paul Ryan talk about how he wants to cut these programs because they are "entitlements"...
Good thing that old coot had the guts to speak up.

MMM's picture
Joined: 08/19/09 11:28AM
More slimy shit to be scared of...

Yep. The real people that need to speak up are people our age! They're the ones who really have the most to lose.


"Here to do great things."